Ogmius Newsletter

Center News

Comings and Goings

Subhrendu Gangopadhyay photoSenior Research Associate Subhrendu Gangopadhyay joined Hydrosphere, a Boulder, Colorado-based hydrology consulting firm.  We wish Subhrendu the best of luck in his new venture!

Former Center graduate student Jessica Lang-Lowery received her Masters in Environmental Studies in May 2004.  She is now working with the Western Water Assessment to try and understand the current and future informational needs of local water managers. She hopes to help WWA researchers translate those needs into useful products and services.

Edouard von Herberstein Former Center graduate student Edouard von Herberstein received his Masters in Environmental Studies in May 2004 and is now working for Wellington in London.

2003-04 Annual Report

The Center’s 2003-04 Annual Report is available online or in hard copy. The report highlights new projects at the Center and educational and outreach efforts, and includes listings of students, staff, affiliates, and visitors/collaborators, and a copy of the Center’s recently completed strategic plan.

To obtain a hard copy please contact Ami Nacu-Schmidt at 303-735-0451 or ami@cires.colorado.edu.