Ogmius Newsletter

Science & Technology Policy Resources

  • AAAS Directorate for Science and Technology Policy Programs
    The Directorate for Science and Policy Programs (SPP) serves society, government, and the research community through a diverse set of activities. Its programs address several objectives of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), including furthering the work of scientists, improving the effectiveness of science in the promotion of human welfare, and fostering scientific freedom and responsibility.
  • AGU Science and Policy
    The American Geophysical Union's science and policy-related activities, opportunities, and position statements.
  • Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes
    The Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes is an intellectual network aimed at enhancing the contribution of science and technology to society's pursuit of equality, justice, freedom, and overall quality of life. The Consortium creates knowledge and methods, cultivates public discourse, and fosters policies to help decision makers and institutions grapple with the immense power and importance of science and technology as society charts a course for the future.
  • Institute for Science, Engineering, and Public Policy
    The Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy is a public, non-profit corporation dedicated to the development of local understanding of issues concerning science, technology and society (STS).
  • Loka Institute
    Founded in 1987, the Loka Institute is a non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of science and technology. Loka works to make science and technology more responsive to social and environmental concerns by expanding opportunities for grassroots, public-interest group, everyday citizen, and worker involvement in vital facets of science and technology decision making.
  • National Academy of Sciences Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy
    The Board's objective is to integrate understanding of scientific, technological, and economic elements in the formulation of national policies affecting the economic well-being of the United States.
  • Office of Science and Technology Policy
    Serves as a source of scientific and technological analysis and judgment for the President with respect to major policies, plans, and programs of the federal government.
  • President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
    PCAST was originally established by President George Bush in 1990 to enable the President to receive advice from the private sector and academic community on technology, scientific research priorities, and math and science education.
  • Washington Science Policy Alliance
    The Washington Science Policy Alliance is a loosely-knit coalition of institutions that has banded together to conduct seminars and meetings around specific science and technology policy issues.