Ogmius Newsletter

Center Staff in the News

The Center's first talk in its Presidential Science Advisor series by John Marburger, science advisor to President George W. Bush, was the subject of a February 15 Daily Camera article, “President Bush's science adviser opens CU series: John Marburger talks about climate change and budgets”, by Todd Neff (free registration required).

Roger Pielke Jr.'s work on hurricanes was cited in a February 15 Philadelphia Inquirer article on the debate over climate change,“A big blowup over hurricanes”, by Anthony R. Wood (free registration required).

Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted in a March 7 United Press International article on climate change policy and politics,“Climate: Taking things one step at a time.”

Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted in an April 4, 2005 column in The Amercian Prospect on climate science views of the Bush Administration.

Please see the Center’s “In the News” webpage to view a list of past news archives.