Ogmius Newsletter

Center Talks and Presentations

Noontime Seminar Series

This spring the Center has hosted a variety of fascinating talks in its noontime seminar series.  On February 7 Center graduate student Joel Gratz gave a talk titled “Commercializing Research: My summer experience at the CU Technology Transfer Office.”  On February 28 Visiting Scholar Anne Ruggles spoke about "Wolf Management in Colorado: The Role of Science in Collaborative Decision Making."  On March 7 Graduate School Dean and Faculty Affiliate Susan Avery gave a talk titled "Scientists Pushing Back."  On April 4 Faculty Affiliate Frank Laird spoke about "Learning Complex Lessons: Participation and Electric Utility Regulation."  And on April 22 Faculty Affiliate Lisa Keranen spoke about "Constructing Character in Research Misconduct Controversies."

Information about the Noontime Seminar series, as well as past and future talks is posted on our Speakers page.  We post available Powerpoint presentations from talks on this page.

Other talks

On March 11 Peter Weiss of the National Weather Service gave a talk titled "Borders in Cyberspace: Maximizing Social and Economic Benefit from Public Investment in Information."

On March 28, Sarah Michaels, a visiting scientist at NCAR, gave a talk titled "Taking steps towards a multidimensional view of the science-policy interface”.