Ogmius Newsletter

Job Opportunities

CIRES Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

CIRES logoThe Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) has an opening for a Postdoctoral Research Associate under an NSF-sponsored project called Science Policy Assessment and Research on Climate that is investigating climate science policy.  The position will be located in the CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

  • Engage in original research that will characterize the supply of, demand for or reconciliation of supply and demand of climate information.
  • Engage in original research on the relative sensitivity of anticipated climate impacts to various causal factors in a range of areas, possibly including ecosystems, extreme events, water resources.
  • Collaborate with colleagues within CIRES on research
  • Collaborate with national and international partners
  • Publish research results in peer-reviewed fora
  • Assist and lead in the development of meetings and workshops in support of project objectives
  • Contribute to other, related Center projects in research, education and outreach


  • Recent Ph.D. in a related field.
  • Knowledge of climate science and climate policies.
  • Experience working on interdisciplinary projects.
  • Demonstrated ability to present and perform on a professional level through use of excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work within a team of researchers.
  • Publication of articles in refereed journals and in the non-academic literature.
  • Presentation of papers at national or international scientific meetings.
  • International interests and experience

The position will be filled as a Research Associate in CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder, and will be eligible for employee benefits, including 22 days of vacation per year.  Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a letter of interest with Job Code, and complete resume and salary history. In addition, the applicant should furnish the names of three individuals familiar with the applicant's professional qualifications for the position to provide references.]

To apply, e-mail (jobs@cires.colorado.edu), fax 303.492.1149, or mail information to: CIRES Human Resources, Job Code PL-1, 216 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0216.

The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.

Graduate Fellowship Program of the National Academies

National Academics logoThis Graduate Fellowship Program of the National Academies-consisting of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council-is designed to engage graduate and postdoctoral students in science and technology policy and to familiarize them with the interactions among science, technology, and government. As a result, students in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, veterinary medicine, business, and law develop essential skills different from those attained in academia, which will help them make the transition from being a graduate student to a professional.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2006 sessions:

  • Summer: June 5-August 11
  • Fall: September 11-November 17

To apply, candidates should submit an application and request that a mentor/adviser fill out a reference form. Both forms are available on the Web here.

The deadline for receipt of application material is March 1 for the summer program, and June 1 for the fall program. Candidates may apply to both programs concurrently.

Additional details about the program and a link to join the mailing list are available on the Web site.
Questions should be directed to: policyfellows@nas.edu.

Colby College - Science, Technology and Society

Colby college logoThe Program in Science, Technology and Society at Colby College invites applications for a one-year replacement position in STS at the rank of Faculty Fellow beginning September 1, 2006. Candidates, who should have a Ph.D., may have a degree in STS, history, history of science and technology, sociology, or some other appropriate field. We are interested in a specialist in the history of the modern life sciences in such areas as bioethics, biotechnology, race and gender, and genomic research. The successful candidate may work closely with other interdisciplinary programs at Colby including environmental science and policy and the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement. The successful candidate should have an outstanding academic background, an active research program, and a demonstrated commitment to liberal arts education. The candidate will teach an STS introductory course and three other courses, one of which may be a January term course. Please send a letter of interest, CV with publications, statements of teaching and research interests, and three letters of recommendation to: Prof. Paul Josephson, Chair, STS Program, Colby College, 5320 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME 04901. e-mail: prjoseph@colby.edu.  Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled.

Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and members of other under-represented groups.

For more information click here.