Ogmius Newsletter

Project News

Presidential Science Advisor Series

Photo of Dr. DavidThe Center’s “Policy, Politics, and Science in the White House:  Conversations with Presidential Science Advisors” series continued this fall starting with a September 12 visit and talk by Dr. Edward David, science advisor to Richard Nixon 1970-73.  Dr. David  touched on issues including how politics entered into the timing of the Apollo moon mission, and the need for purpose in scientific research.

On October 5, Dr. Neal Lane, science advisor to Bill Clinton 1998-2001 gave a talk on the threats to U.S. science and technology.

Photo of Dr. LaneOn October 24, Dr. Donald Hornig, science advisor to Lyndon Johnson 1964-69, gave a talk in which he addressed the role of science in the presidential decision-making process.

Please join us for the last talk in this series which will be held January 31, 2006. Dr. George Keyworth, science advisor to Ronald Reagan 1981-86, will give a talk in Hale Room 270. This talk is free and open to the public. 

Photo of Dr Hornig and Roger PielkeFor more information about the series, as well as transcripts and audio and video recordings of each presentation, visit the series website.  To be placed on the science advisor mailing list and receive email notices of upcoming events click here.  Each science advisor forum will be broadcast on Boulder Municipal Channel 8 television station and also as a live webcast – check the Channel 8 schedule for more information.


Science Policy Assessment and Research on Climate (SPARC)

SPARC LogoOur NSF project studying how to make climate science policies better support climate-related decision making held a workshop in August to examine science policy decision making across the Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) programs.

SPARC researchers presented a poster highlighting the goals of the project and a flyer detailing project activities as part of an exhibit at the joint Ecological Society of America/INTECOL meeting in Montreal, Canada, August 7-12th.

SPARC researchers have discussed with Swedish collaborators a project, possibly resulting in an edited volume that would involve a collaboration of our two projects.

SPARC researchers organized a special session related to SPARC at the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change Research Community meeting in Bonn, Germany in October 2005.

SPARC researcher Lisa Dilling presented an invited paper on “Usable Carbon Cycle Science” at the Earth System Science PostDoc network meeting in June in Breckenridge, CO, and a poster on “Usable Carbon Cycle Science” at the Seventh International CO2 Conference in September 2005 in Broomfield, CO.

SPARC graduate student Nat Logar completed his master’s thesis on “Supply and demand of carbon cycle science in the Agricultural Research Service.”

SPARC researchers Roger Pielke and Lisa Dilling each submitted an abstract to the CCSP Decision Support Workshop in November 2005.

SPARC researchers are submitting abstracts to the first Policy Research Symposium at the American Meteorological Society, Jan-Feb. 2006.