Ogmius Newsletter

S&T Jobs

Supervisory Physical Scientist or Supervisory Social Scientist, Salary range: $107,521-139,774.

The Climate Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is seeking an energetic individual with considerable experience in outcome-oriented, applied environmental research to lead a new division known as Climate Assessments and Services. The incumbent is responsible for managing a division that leads the effort to connect climate assessments, research and services to broader public interest goals associated with adapting to climate variability and change. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated themselves to be an innovator and initiator, will have experience working across public and private sector organizations, will have worked in the field of applied climate and environmental research or in a setting which required on-going interaction with the environmental research community, and will have a vision for the implementation of federal investments linking new climate-related interdisciplinary research with national needs for building adaptive capacity for climate variability and change. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential as is the ability to work in a team of senior program managers in support of agency goals and mission requirements. Ph.D. or equivalent experience required.

Detailed job information and applicant instructions will be found here under vacancy numbers OAR-HQ-2006-0092, 93, 94 and 96. Open to all U.S. Citizens.  Posting dates:  May 12 to June 26.  The U.S. Department of Commerce is an Equal Opportunity Employer.