Ogmius Newsletter

Center Staff in the News

Roger Pielke, Jr., was quoted in the June 26 Rocky Mountain News about a recent paper by NCAR scientists claiming global warming provided much of the ocean heat that fueled last year's record-setting hurricane season.  Pielke stated the study is solid "but does not provide any smoking gun or final word on the hurricane issue… The debate among the climate community will still be ongoing, I'm sure, after this paper's digested," Pielke said.

Roger Pielke, Jr.’s testimony from a recent congressional hearing was quoted in a July 28 TCS Daily article:

What is stalling [action on climate change], as Pielke noted, is that "any conceivable emissions reductions policies, even if successful, cannot have a perceptible impact on the climate for many decades. Consequently, costs ... are borne in the near term and benefits related to influence the climate system are achieved in the distant future."

Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted in the September 8 Chronicle of Higher Education article on the recent congressional attention on the “Hockey Stick graph”. Pielke stated "If the case for climate change is broad and deep, which I think it is," he says, "then the IPCC was wrong in choosing to let the hockey stick stand for a lot of that symbolically."