Ogmius Newsletter

S&T Opportunities

2007-08 AMS/UCAR Congressional Science Fellowship

Are you fascinated by what goes on in Washington, D.C.? Do you understand how Congress and the president make science policy? Would you like to become involved--to make a difference?

Through the AMS/UCAR Congressional Science Fellowship, scientists interested in public policy can spend a year working for a member of Congress or a congressional committee. Each fellow is free to choose from a wide variety of positions within Congress, spending the year on Capitol Hill with more than 30 fellows from other professional societies. A stipend of $50,000 is provided, plus up to $10,000 for moving, travel, and other expenses. The 2007-08 fellowships run from 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2008.

For more details or to apply for the fellowship, please see the AMS Web site.

Application deadline: 1 February 2007

Jack Fellows
UCAR Corporate Affairs
303-497-8655, jfellows@ucar.edu

IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2007: Summer Fellowship in Austria for Graduate Students in Natural and Social Sciences, Math, Policy, and Engineering 

Each summer, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) near Vienna, Austria, hosts a selected group of graduate students, primarily doctoral, from around the world in its Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP). These students work closely with IIASA’s senior scientists on projects within the Institute’s 3 theme areas of Natural Resources & Environment, Population & Society, and Energy & Technology.  The U.S. Committee for IIASA provides airfare and a modest living allowance for the applicants from American institutions who are selected to participate.

Applications Deadline: 15 JAN 2007
Program Dates: 4 JUNE-31 AUGUST 2007

What is IIASA and what are its program areas?
IIASA is an international institution, supported by the U.S. and sixteen other governments, that engages in scientific research aimed at providing policy insight on issues of regional and global importance.  Its suite of programs and initiatives in 2007 will include the following:
Energy and Technology, Land Use and Agriculture, and Population and Society.  Detailed information about each program is available on the
IIASA Website.

Should you apply?
You should consider applying if:

  • You are an advanced graduate student at a U.S. University;
  • Your field is compatible with ongoing research at IIASA;
  • Your research and career would profit from interactions with scientists from all over the world;
  • You would like to investigate the policy implications of your work.

How do you apply?
Each applicant must submit the on-line application form, including 2 references and descriptions of research interests.  The form can be found here.

Margaret Goud Collins
Program Director for the U.S. Committee for IIASA
National Academy of Sciences
W1010 500 5th St. NW
Washington, D.C.  20001
Phone: (508) 548-2502, Fax: (202) 334-2231
Email: mcollins@nas.edu

DISCCRS III Symposium Interdisciplinary Climate Research
Network for New Ph.D. Graduates

After years of specialization, today's Ph.D. graduates embark on a multidimensional trajectory that requires a breadth of knowledge sufficient to make connections among distant disciplines, and depends on development of a global network of colleagues from divergent backgrounds.

DISCCRS (pronounced "discourse") was founded in 2002 to meet the specific challenges involved in building successful interdisciplinary careers dedicated to understanding climate change and mitigating its impacts.

New Ph.D. scholars from the natural and social sciences, humanities, mathematics, engineering and other fields are invited to join the DISCCRS network and apply for the DISCCRS symposium.

The public web page introduces new scholars to the global community and provides resources for early-career development. It includes:

  • Program information;
  • Network Registration form;
  • Registered Ph.D. Dissertation abstracts;
  • Climate-change resources;
  • Career-development resources; and
  • Symposium application instructions.

A weekly newsletter highlights new resources and transmits time-sensitive material to DISCCRS registrants. The weekly newsletter includes:

  • Research, education and policy updates;
  • Job and other timely announcements.
  • Newsletter Submissions: Send a brief summary (no attachments) to: disccrs@whitman.edu

In years to come, a familiarity with diverse specialties and connections among colleagues in disparate fields will increasingly determine the success of young professionals and the advancement of our knowledge.

DISCCRS Symposia provide an international forum where recent doctoral recipients can expand their scientific and professional outlook and forge lifelong, interdisciplinary collegial relationships with their peers. Graduates from doctoral programs throughout the world and spanning the full spectrum of disciplines are eligible to apply. Thirty-six scholars will be selected each year. During the weeklong event:

  • The 36 scholars will present their research in both oral and poster format;
  • Four veteran climate-change researchers from the natural and social sciences will present and discuss their research and share insights on building successful collaborative interdisciplinary research projects and careers;
  • Communication skills will be developed in the context of interchange across disciplines and beyond academia;
  • A Representative from the U.S. National Science Foundation will describe programs and proposal review; and
  • Proposal-development skills will be practiced in interdisciplinry teams.

Travel and on-site expenses are covered through grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation. Symposia are currently funded for 2007 and 2008.

Sept. 10 - 17, 2007
Hawai'i Island*

Symposium Eligibility
Ph.D. completed between April. 1, 2004 - March 31, 2007 in any discipline.

Selection will favor applicants who plan to engage in interdisciplinary research careers in any subject within or relevant to climate change and its impacts.

A committee will select 36 participants based on the submitted applications.

Application Deadline April 30, 2007

Visit: http://disccrs.org
Contact: C. Susan Weiler, disccrs@whitman.edu
*Hosted on Hawai'i Island by the Kohala Center for Pacific Environments.