Ogmius Newsletter

Center in the News

Center personnel continue to receive national media attention on a variety of topics.

Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted in an 18 September 2007 New York Times article on the ozone layer and the Montreal treaty, From Ozone Success, a Potential Climate Model, by Andrew Revkin.

Roger Pielke, Jr. was cited in a 26 August 2007 Mother Jones article on future hurricanes hitting the US coast, A Hundred Katrinas: Climate Change and the Threat to the U.S. Coast, by John McQuaid.

Lisa Dilling appeared on the 13 August 2007 Santa Barbara's Business and Technology radio show.

Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted in a 10 August 2007 National Ledger article, Newsweek Burns Truth in Global Warming Story, by Roger Aronoff.

Roger Pielke, Jr.'s 2005 paper Hurricanes and Global Warming was cited in a 10 August 2007 Marketwire article, Bad News for Science at Newsweek Magazine, says SPPI.

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