Ogmius Newsletter

S&T Opportunities



Postdoctoral Position in Science, Technology and Society

The John F. Kennedy School of Government and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) at Harvard University are seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in Science, Technology and Society (STS). The one-year position is renewable for a second year and will carry a teaching load of one undergraduate course in Technology and Society; the successful candidate will also assist in STS Program activities and build links between STS and SEAS. Candidates should be qualified to carry out research on the social implications of one or more aspects of engineering or applied sciences, such as information and communication technologies, biotechnology, or nanotechnology. Areas of specialization might include studies of innovation; risk and regulation; intellectual property; new research partnerships and research governance; or ethical issues in technological R&D. Research experience on comparative, international and global issues is especially welcome. Interdisciplinary teaching experiences are extremely desirable. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in an appropriate field, including science and technology studies, sociology, law, political science, economics, or engineering. Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a cover letter with a statement of research interests, a writing sample or representative publication, and three letters of recommendation in paper copy to Professor Sheila Jasanoff, Director, Program on Science, Technology and Society, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 79   John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge,  MA 02138.

Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2009 and continue until the position is filled. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged. Harvard University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

University of Minnesota, Morris - Assistant Professor, Environmental Policy

The University of Minnesota, Morris, seeks to fill a tenure-track position in support of a new Environmental Studies major. The position starts August 17, 2009, and is open to applicants within a traditional social science discipline, as well as to those with relevant interdisciplinary social science training (such as Public Policy or Environmental Studies).  For more information, please contact Dr. Pete Wyckoff at wyckoffp@morris.umn.edu or 320-589-6347.

University of Minnesota, Morris - Assistant Professor, American Politics/Comparative Politics

The University of Minnesota, Morris, seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Political Science with specialization in American and Comparative Politics starting August 17, 2009.  For more information, please contact Dr. Paula O’Loughlin at oloughpl@morris.umn.edu or 320-589-6205.

Fourth Annual Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability

Munich Re Foundation and United Nations University Environment and Human security proudly announce the fourth annual Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability. The theme of 2009 Summer Academy will be "Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises".

Qualified PhD candidates who have an interdisciplinary focus and are working on dissertations related to environment, social vulnerability, disaster risk reduction, resilience and institutional management and change, are invited to apply for the 2009 Summer Academy by 15 January 2009. Most participants are expected to be PhD students, ideally in their second or third year. However, a few places will be reserved for practitioners who wish to take a step back from their operational work to engage with young researchers on this strategic issue. Applications are submitted online. The event will be chaired by the current Chair/Director of the 2009 Academy, Prof. Dr. Thomas E. Downing, and Co-director Mohamed Hamza.

You can download the Call for Applications PDF with detailed descriptions of the academy´s purpose, format and the attending experts as well as the learning objectives and requirements.

For more information see the United Nations University website and the MunichRe Foundation website.

Environmental Policy: A Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods

11-13 June, 2009 - KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Seoul, South Korea
An International Conference Co-Sponsored by APPAM

APPAM is co-sponsoring this special international conference being convened by the KDI School of Public Policy and Management and the University of Maryland School of Public Policy.

A limited number of grants covering the cost of travel, accommodation, and registration are available for participants living in low income countries in Asia. Applications for the grants must be made through the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. To contact the school for more information, select "Korea Conference-General" on the APPAM email contact form. Additional information will be posted on the separate pages for registration and housing/travel.

Conference Theme:
Environmental Policy: a Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods
Asia’s growing economic and geopolitical importance has led to increased interest in its environmental policies. How, for example, do the diverse countries of the region frame and respond to questions of pollution, climate change, urban planning, environmental regulation, transboundary environmental disputes, and so forth?

As these issues rise on national agendas, graduate schools in the region are developing and strengthening their environmental policy concentrations to prepare the next generation of environmental policy analysts, managers, teachers, and scholars. In this context, how should graduate environmental policy curricula be designed, and what teaching methods should be used to ensure the highest quality of graduates? Graduate public affairs schools elsewhere have been grappling with similar challenges, and cross pollination may facilitate the global institutional evolution of environmental policy education.

To explore these and related topics, the KDI School of Public Policy and Management and the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, in collaboration with the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), will hold a conference in Seoul, South Korea from 11 June (starting with dinner) through 13 June 2009. The conference is designed to attract a worldwide audience, including academics and professionals from universities, think tanks, government agencies, the private sector, civil society, and beyond. Papers should address issues of environmental policy or graduate environmental policy education. Papers focusing on Asia or taking a comparative perspective are particularly appropriate. The conference will also accept papers addressing a wide range of national, regional, and global issues.

Call for Papers:
Papers are solicited in two separate categories: environmental policy, and graduate education in environmental policy. Cross-national and comparative papers are encouraged. All proposals will be submitted online through the APPAM website with a tentative deadline of 7 January 2009. The page for paper proposals offers a list of information that must be included in each proposal including contact information for the person submitting the proposal, a listing of all authors, specific proposal topic categories, and an abstract of up to 8000 English characters in length. Please note that English will be the official language for the conference and papers and presentations are expected to be delivered in English.
To view the call for papers as issued through the University of Maryland please click here. All proposals will be submitted online. Inquiries about proposals should be sent to:

Dr. Peter Balint, Program Coordinator and Editor
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
E-mail: Please select "Korea Conference-Program" on the APPAM contact form
Phone: +1-703-993-1404

Notifications of acceptance/rejection for the conference are posted on the APPAM website, and all persons who submit proposals have received the necessary login codes to access the notifications.