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CEJournalOur friends at CU’s Center for Environmental Journalism recently launched a blog, CEJournal, that includes contributions from the five Ted Scripps Fellows in Environmental Journalism, other prominent environmental journalists, students of the environmental emphasis at the School of Journalism & Mass Communication, and guest bloggers.  Recent posts include “Fake Plastic Trees: Cure for Global Warming?”, “Warming, drought afflict mature forests of the West”, and “New study shows Antarctica has been warming for 50 years.”  Be sure to check out the very well written and informative CEJournal.

Many Strong Voices for Tackling Climate Change By the Many Strong Voices Team

Many Strong VoicesAs climate change takes an ever-increasing toll on communities around the world, the Many Strong Voices project assists by joining coastal communities from around the Arctic with those from the 51 Small Island, Developing States Project (SIDS) in order to share and enhance knowledge of and action on climate change.  The project aims are to:

  1. Develop capacity to strengthen the role of these regions in negotiations on reducing greenhouse gases and on climate change adaptation.
  2. Raise awareness about the effects and vulnerabilities of climate change in these regions.
  3. Increase understanding of needs and solutions, including through research.
  4. Motivate action on addressing and preventing climate change's adverse impacts.

The focus is catalyzing local action through the complementary contributions of capacity building, research, education, and outreach.  Many Strong Voices provides the inspiration, impetus, and opportunity to build and maintain local processes linked to national and international endeavors in order to lead to positive action for positive change.  For more information click here.