Ogmius Newsletter

Ogmius 10TH
Anniversary issue

Christine Kirchhoff

Christine KirchhoffMy first days at the Center were quiet. It was the summer and the usual hustle and bustle of the academic year had already faded. Sarah [Erskine], Bobbie [Klein], Bill [Travis] and my mentor, Lisa [Dilling], were the first people I saw in those early days and to a person they all made me feel welcome and at home there. Lisa and I got to work quickly outlining a proposed work plan to investigate the legal and procedural aspects of management and planning of water resources by U.S. states to understand what made states more or less adaptive under stress and change (including climate change). As summer turned to fall, I was invited to participate in other projects (Lisa’s IDCA project) which helped to broaden my experience and understanding of research design, scientific collaboration, and interactions between practitioners and scientists that help to shape and inform research. It also gave me a chance to expand my network both at the Center and more broadly. Also in the fall, the Center’s seminar series started back up. The seminar (and others on campus) was a great venue for learning more about science and policy through the sharing of ideas and research that others at the Center and around campus (and beyond) were doing.

My experience at the Center went beyond expanding my thinking about research at the interface of science and policy.

- Christine Kirchhoff


Working on our states research effort and attending meetings and seminars really helped broaden my intellectual interests and academic network and paved the way for future collaborations. In addition to these more formal interactions were less formal conversations where I learned (among other things) more about what it means to be an academic, where to find a good, inexpensive meal, and where to cross-country ski in the winter. If only I could ski! (Thanks Bill and Bobbie for taking me out on the trails and showing me how it’s done!)

Overall, my experience at the Center went beyond expanding both my thinking about research at the interface of science and policy and my personal and professional network to something less tangible and harder to describe. The best I can do is to say being in Boulder leaves a subtle imprint. I left with new ideas and experiences, fond memories, and a hankering to get back!

Christine Kirchhoff, CSTPR Research Associate (Postdoctoral), 2010-2011, Ph.D. 2010 University of Michigan, Research Fellow (Postdoctoral)