January 2003"; ?> Ogmius Newsletter :: Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
Ogmius Newsletter

Monthly Seminar Series

The Center launched a monthly seminar series to provide an opportunity for Center staff, students, and affiliates to learn about each other’s work, as well as to bring in the occasional special guest.

  • Faculty affiliate Joe Ryan of the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, the Environmental Engineering Program, and the Environmental Studies Program gave the first seminar titled “Abandoned Mines and Acid Mine Drainage: Achievements and Obstacles in Community-Driven Remediation” on March 31.  Professor Ryan addressed the problem of acid mine drainage and its remediation in the context of current efforts to improve the water quality of the Lefthand Creek watershed in northwestern Boulder County.
  • Congressman Mark Udall visited the Center on April 28 to discuss his work on the House Science Committee and with renewable energy legislation, among other topics.