January 2003"; ?> Ogmius Newsletter :: Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
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Ogmius Newsletter

Center News

Geo-Logic, A New Book by Bob Frodeman

Geo-Logic Book Cover imageThe April 18, 2003 edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education included an interview with Bob Frodeman about his new book, Geo-Logic: Breaking Ground Between Philosophy and the Earth Sciences (recently published by the State University of New York Press).  According to Frodeman,   “When we mess with something beautiful, that's wrong, and we should go correct it. It's an actionable, theological opinion to say that we've sinned, we've committed sacrilege against something wonderful and beautiful and transcendent, [and] that we should spend some money to correct this sin. We fund a case study in salmon restoration in the lower Columbia Basin, where the director of environmental studies and the chair of theology at the University of Portland are trying to integrate environmental science with the ethical and theological dimensions of salmon recovery, to come up with a just and manageable public-policy approach. Salmon are not just resources, right? There's something wonderful about them, and everybody knows that.”

See “Earth Sciences Through the Lens of Humanities, Arts, and Theology,” by Peter Monaghan.  Chronicle of Higher Education (April 18, 2003).

Center Affiliates

Dan Sarewitz photo Dan Sarewitz, Managing Director and Senior Research Scholar of the Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes, joins the Center as a visiting scholar.  Dan gave a CIRES Distinguished Lecture Series talk entitled “Science, Values, and Climate Change: Probing the Limits of Objectivity” on April 18 to a standing-room only audience.

New Center faculty affiliates include:
Tom Chase's photo Tom Chase, a University of Colorado Assistant Professor of Geography.
R. Balaji Rajagopalan's photo R. Balaji Rajagopalan, an Assistant Professor and Fellow with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and the Department of Civil, Environmental andArchitectural Engineering at the University of Colorado.
Tom Yulsman's photo Tom Yulsman, Co-Director of the Center for Environmental Journalism, School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Colorado.

New Center research affiliate:
Doug Kenney's photo Doug Kenney, a research associate at the University of Colorado School of Law’s Natural Resources Law Center.


A Few Recent Talks by Center Staff

  • Martyn Clark, “The CIRES-NOAA Western Water Assessment,” American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 11, 2003, Long Beach, CA.
  • Bobbie Klein, “2002 Municipal Response to Drought in the Colorado Front Range,” American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 11, 2003, Long Beach, CA, and AGU Hydrology Days, March 31, 2003, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
  • Roger Pielke, Jr. “Climate Policy and Professional Responsibility,” Department of Meteorology, University of Utah, March 6, 2003, Salt Lake City, UT.