Politicization of Science: Some Recent Publications
Concern about the politicization of science comes from across the political spectrum, as these various examples illustrate. But it is fair to question whether the concern for science is genuine, or merely another means for attacking political opponents. You be the judge.
Agres, T., 2003: Science, Policy and Partisan Politics. The Scientist.
The Battle for American Science, The Guardian, April 10, 2003.
Brown, G.E., 1996: Environmental Science Under Seige, House Science Committee
Furchtgott-Roth, D., 1999: The Pitfalls of Politicizing Science. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Herrick, C. N. and D. Jamieson, 2000: Junk Science and Environmental Policy: Obscuring Public Debate with Misleading Discourse, Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly, Vol. 21, Spring:11-16.
Hoover Institute – Politicizing Science: The Alchemy of Policymaking
Kennedy, D., 2003: An Epidemic of Politics, Science 299: 625
Mooney, C., 2003: The Science Gap. Boston Globe.
Murray, I., 2003: Environmental Scientists Must Stop Crying Wolf. Financial Times.
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2002: Policy, politics and perspective. Nature 416:368.
Pielke, Jr., R.A., 2003: Another Epidemic of Politics? Letter to the Editor, Science, Vol. 300, no. 5622, pp. 1092-1093.
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2003: Politics and science mix badly. International Herald Tribune, January 20.
Politics and Science: Investigating the Bush Administration’s Promotion of Ideology Over Science (Waxman Report)
Rubin, C.T., 1997: The Troubled Relationship Between Science and Policy. The Marshall Institute.