Ogmius Newsletter

Center News

Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy logoWe are happy to announce the first cohort of the newly initiated Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy.  We have nine students representing several different departments at the University of Colorado.

The first cohort includes:

  • Marilyn Averill - Political Science
  • Ruth Duerr - National Snow and Ice Data Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
  • Erik Fisher - Environmental Studies  
  • Andre Grothe - Telecommunications      
  • Genevieve Maricle - Environmental Studies    
  • Jeffrey Merage - Telecommunications
  • Beth Mulligan – Psychology
  • Erik Noble - Environmental Studies   
  • Tind Shepper Ryen - Environmental Studies

The first course in the program will be taught spring 2004 and is titled "Science and Technology Policy."

Center Introduces Two New Faculty Affiliates

Faculty Affiliates are colleagues in the University of Colorado system who share an interest in science and technology policy research.  The Center's faculty affiliates comprise a broad community that spans traditional disciplines and organizational units.

The Center recently welcomed two new faculty affiliates.

  • Kathleen Tierney is a Professor of Sociology and Director of the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder.  Kathleen received her PhD from Ohio State University.  Her research interests are social dimensions of hazards and disasters, including natural, technological, and human-induced extreme events.  Her current research studies the organizational response to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center disaster, risk perception and risk communication, the use of new technologies in disaster management, and the impacts of disasters on businesses.
  • Jerry Peterson (Department of Physics) received his PhD from the University of Washington in 1966, and has been on the Boulder campus since 1970.  His research is in basic experimental nuclear physics, largely using accelerator facilities around the world.   His research career in nuclear science and his contacts over the years have led to Jerry’s additional current emphases on domestic nuclear security, the internationalization of nuclear science and the development of educational tools for future national workforce needs in nuclear science.  View Jerry's homepage for more information.

Faculty interested in an affiliate appointment with the Center should contact us at pielke@colorado.edu.