Ogmius Newsletter

S&T Policy Opportunities

American Geological Institute

American Geological Institute logoThe American Geological Institute (AGI) is offering a congressional science fellowship for the geosciences. The fellow will spend 12-16 months (beginning in September 2004) in Washington, D.C., working as a staffer for a member of Congress or a congressional committee. This is an opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the legislative process and contribute to the effective and timely use of geoscientific knowledge on natural hazards, the environment, and science policy.

The minimum requirement is a master's degree with at least three years of post-degree work, or a PhD at the time of appointment. All application materials must be postmarked by February 1, 2004, and sent to:

The William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellowship
4220 King Street
Alexandria VA 22302-1502

e-mail: govt@agiweb.org

Resources for the Future

Resources for the Future logoResources for the Future (RFF), an independent nonprofit organization specializing in research, policy analysis, and public education on environmental, energy, and natural resource issues, has several opportunities:

  • Summer internships (for outstanding undergraduate and graduate students with priority given to graduate students)
  • Walter O. Spofford, Jr. Memorial Internship (for graduate students with a special interest in Chinese environmental issues)
  • Joseph L. Fisher Dissertation Fellowships (supports doctoral dissertation research on issues related to the environment, natural resources, or energy)
  • Gilbert F. White Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (for researchers who have a doctorate degree and wish to devote a year to scholarly work in areas related to natural resources, energy, or the environment)

For more information about these internships and fellowships contact:

Coordinator for Academic Programs
Resources for the Future
1616 P Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1400

Phone: 202- 328-5060
e-mail: mankin@rff.org

Jefferson Science Fellows at the U.S. Department of State

U.S. Department of State logoThe contribution of science, technology, and engineering to the formulation and implementation of U.S. government domestic and foreign policy has long been recognized as a critical element in good governance. Without an accurate, timely understanding of rapidly advancing science and technology issues, it is increasingly difficult to identify and establish sound governmental policy that meet the needs of modern societies.

In recognition of this, the Secretary of State recently announced the "Jefferson Science Fellows" (JSF) program at the U.S. Department of State to establish a new model for engaging the American academic science, technology, and engineering communities in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy. The three-year pilot JSF program is administered by the National Academies, philanthropic foundations, and the U.S. Department of State.

Tenured academic scientists and engineers from U.S. institutions of higher learning are eligible to apply. Fellows spend one year at the U.S. Department of State for an on-site assignment in Washington, D.C., that may also involve extended stays at U.S. foreign embassies and/or missions.

Nomination packets must be received by January 28, 2004. Complete fellowship information, including detailed guidelines, eligibility requirements, and placement/research specifics, is available from:

Jefferson Science Fellows Program
The National Academies, Fellowships Office
500 Fifth Street NW, GR 322A
Washington, DC 20001

Phone: (202) 334-2872
e-mail: jsf@nas.edu

Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science, and Technology

National Science Foundation logoNSF’s Societal Dimensions program considers a wide variety of proposals for research and education about the interactions of engineering, science, technology, and society.  The Ethics and Values Studies (EVS) component supports examinations of the ethical and value dimensions in those interactions.  The Research on Knowledge, Science and Technology (RST) component supports research on the directions and implications of research and innovation policy and priorities.

Proposals to NSF for this program that are received by February 27, 2004 will be considered in this round.  The program announcement is available here.  Target dates for submission are February 1 and August 1 of each year.

Check out the link to assistance on "Preparing a Proposal, What You Should Know" and
on "Doing Survey Research:  What You Should Know."

SDEST program director Rachelle Hollander can be reached at the address below:

Rachelle D. Hollander
Senior Science Advisor
Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES)
Societal Dimensions Program (SDEST)
Ethics and Values Studies (EVS)
Research on Science and Technology (RST)
NSF 4201 Wilson Blvd. Rm. 995
Arlington, VA 22230

Phone: 703-292-7272
Fax: 703-292-9068
E-mail: rholland@nsf.gov

Program director John Perhonis handles dissertation proposals; he can be reached at jperhoni@nsf.gov; his phone number is 703-292-7279.

Proposal project summaries must address, separately, intellectual merit and broader impacts.

Reinsurance Joint Internship ProgramRAA - CU - NCAR Internship Program

RAA - CU - NCAR Internship Program
for Graduate Students in Science and Policy
Sponsored by the
Reinsurance Association of America
Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
University of Colorado
National Center for Atmospheric Research

The goal of the RAA - CU - NCAR Internship Program is to place emerging professionals in policy or scientific graduate programs with reinsurance companies for approximately 3 months over the summer (i.e., 15 May – 31 August). Reinsurers insure insurance companies for catastrophe losses and therefore provide the largest share of the financing for recovery from major natural catastrophes.  Much of their financial analysis is based on current scientific understanding about catastrophe risk. By placing graduate students into positions in the reinsurance industry the program seeks to increase the awareness of students to the reinsurance industry and expose the industry to highly skilled students in policy and the sciences.  A longer-term vision is greater interactions of the two communities.

The minimum qualifications for an applicant are completion of one year of graduate school in a scientific or policy field of study.  The application procedure will consist of submission of college transcripts, resume, two letters of recommendation, and a 500-word statement explaining your interest in this program.

Students are expected to have a range of mathematical, computer, technical, or analytical skills in fields such as atmospheric science, geology, environmental policy, or chemistry, but will most likely have little knowledge of the workings of the reinsurance industry.  Interns will be expected to work full time during the period of their internship on topics that ideally, but not necessarily, would draw upon their skills and expertise in ways that contribute materially to the needs of individual companies.

The program will be conducted for its second year in 2004 with placement of 10 students.  During the internships, feedback will be solicited from students and companies for consideration of future program implementation.

The following companies employed students from the 2003 program:

  • Swiss Re
  • ICAT Managers
  • AIR
  • XL
  • Aspen Re

Risk Management Solutions was also involved as a program educational forum. New and renewal internship sponsors are now being recruited.


Enrolled and in good standing in a graduate degree program in science, engineering or policy.

  • Completion of one year of graduate school in a scientific or policy field of study.
  • Technical or analytical skills in fields including but not limited to atmospheric science, geology, environmental policy or chemistry.
  • Enrolled and in good standing in a graduate degree program in science, engineering or policy.
Application Procedure

Send graduate and undergraduate college transcripts, resume, two letters of recommendation from professors, a 500 word statement explaining your interest in this program, an email address and a telephone number, to

Attn: Joint Internship Program
Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
University of Colorado/CIRES
1333 Grandview Ave, Campus Box 488
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0488

Application Deadline

Applications must be received by March 15, 2004.
Please send an e-mail message notifying us of the mailing of your application to ami@cires.colorado.edu.