Recent Center Presentations
Graduate student
Joel Gratz gave a presentation to 15-20 TV meteorologists in Lake Tahoe in January about his research on the policies and responses of large outdoor stadiums to the threat of lightning. Television stations in Orlando, Florida, and Tuscaloosa, Alabama ran interviews of Joel discussing his research. Joel also spoke to the Center’s noontime seminar series about his research.
On January 26 Dr. Susi Moser of the
Environmental and Societal Impacts Group at NCAR gave a presentation at the Center entitled "Confused and Scared and Deeply in Denial: Thinking Out Loud About How to Improve Climate Change Communication and Facilitate Social Change."
On February 2 the Center sponsored a talk by
Michael Rodemeyer of the
Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology entitled “Lessons From the Biotech Wars: Is Nanotechnology Next?”

On February 10
James Watt, the Secretary of Interior under Ronald Reagan, spoke to Roger Pielke’s Decision Process class at the Center about the role of science in decision making. Secretary Watt was in Boulder to speak as part of the
Center for the American West’s Secretaries of the Interior Series.

On February 16 Center Faculty Affiliate
Tom Chase gave a talk as part of the Center’s noontime seminar series entitled “Utility of Downscaling Climate model information to guide mitigation strategies.”

On March 16
Manuel Lujan, the Secretary of Interior under President George H.W. Bush, spoke to Roger Pielke’s Decision Process class at the Center about the role of science in decision making. Secretary Lujan was in Boulder to speak as part of the Center for the American West’s Secretaries of the Interior Series.

On March 29 Anne Ruggles, a wildlife biologist, attorney, and Center visiting scholar working on wildlife management and policy, spoke about "How Science is Used and Misused in the Klamath Basin" as part of the Center's noontime seminar series.

On April 5 Dr. Robert Wilby, Climate Change Science Manager for the Environment Agency, gave a talk entitled "Application of statistical downscaling to urban heat island and water resource estimation in southeast England."

On April 6 Andrew Revkin, Environment Reporter for the New York Times, visited with graduate students enrolled in the Science and Technology Policy Certificate Program to discuss the role of the media in covering science, science policy, and science politics.

On April 8 Environmental Studies graduate student Genevieve Maricle gave a talk to the AAAS Southwest and Rocky Mountain Region Annual Meeting entitled “A Science and Technology Policy for the Atmospheric Sciences.” Her Powerpoint presentation is available on our
speakers’ page.
On April 12 Kevin Vranes, the 2003-2004 Congressional Science Fellow of the American Geophysical Union who covers environmental, energy, transportation, water resources, and science policy issues for Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), visited the Center for a roundtable discussion about his experiences in Washington, DC.

On April 19, Center Faculty Affiliate
Jerry Peterson spoke to the noontime seminar series about “Attribution Doctrines and Policies Following WMD Attacks.”
On April 27 Andrew Price, graduate student in the Science and Technology Policy Certificate Program, gave a talk entitled “Healthcare Rationing: A Moral Perspective.”