Ogmius Newsletter


2004 SACNAS National Conference

Science and Science Policy:
Constructing an Inclusive Paradigm

Austin, TX - Octwober 21-24, 2004

SACNAS LogoThe mission of SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) is to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for research careers and science teaching professions at all levels.

SACNAS provides unparalleled conference activities for students, educators, administrators and researchers in science. This year’s conference theme, Science and Science Policy: Constructing an Inclusive Paradigm, explores the link between current science policy issues and those communities most affected by them. It is vital that the Chicano/Latino and Native American scientific communities have a substantive voice in the creation of science policy which dictates the funding and direction of scientific research and inquiry. Continuing a third year tradition of working to increase Native American and Chicano/Latino presence in the scientific community, SACNAS offers a forum for investigation of questions related to the theme and the development of a new generation of leaders who will be instrumental in shaping equitable and inclusive science policy.