Ogmius Newsletter

Graduate Student News

Graduate Student Study Featured on National Weather Service Website

A new National Weather Service website, “Lightning Safety In Large Stadiums”, features a study by ENVS and Center graduate students Joel Gratz and Erik Noble about ensuring safety from lightning strikes in large college football stadiums.

Graduate Student Joel Gratz receives grant from National Weather Service

photo of Joel GratzENVS and Center graduate student Joel Gratz received a one-year grant from the National Weather Service to evaluate the policy processes and outcomes related to the Public-Private-Academic Partnership on Level II Radar Data.

Graduate Student on Loan to Tech Transfer

ENVS and Center graduate student Joel Gratz spent the summer working for the University of Colorado’s Technology Transfer Office (TTO).  The TTO is responsible for protecting, marketing, and licensing University-based Intellectual Property (IP).  In short, the TTO helps researchers take inventions from the laboratory to the marketplace.

Joel worked primarily with CIRES (the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, which employees nearly 500 people) trying to license patented technologies developed at the University to interested private firms.  Joel also investigated why the rate of technology transfer from the atmospheric sciences does not match that of other physical sciences such as chemistry and biology, and how the TTO can help close this gap.

For more information, please contact Joel at gratz@colorado.edu.