Philosophy Looks at Chess
Edited by Benjamin Hale
"Whether you’re a professional philosopher, an armchair chess player, or something in between, Philosophy Looks at Chess gives you hours of thought-provoking reading. With chapters on technology, ethics, hip hop, and backward analysis, this book carves out a new space in the literature on both chess and philosophy"
—Jennifer Shahade, two-time U.S. Women's Champion and author of Chess Bitch
"Chess and philosophy are natural mates that have been awaiting the proper introduction. This wide-ranging collection of stimulating essays is the perfect opening gambit for philosophical chess enthusiasts."
—Will Dudley, author of Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy: Thinking Freedom
"This book is highly recommended to anyone who is interested in chess – not as a sport, not even as an art. But as a way to think about life, the universe, and everything." – Arne Moll,, 7 November 2008