Carbon Management on Public Lands in the Intermountain West

Multi-Scale Analysis of Carbon Stock Responses to Human and Natural Disturbances

Lisa Dilling

Lisa Dilling, Jason Neff, Jana Milford and Nichole Barger are pursuing an integrated multi-scale approach to the evaluation of carbon stocks and fate under different management on public lands in the Intermountain West. There are four primary objectives to the project: 1) the analysis of forest and woodland carbon stocks across elevational gradients in Southwest Colorado and Eastern Utah, 2) the evaluation of changes in forest and woodland carbon associated with land management activities including fire mitigation, and forestry, 3) the projection of management impacts on carbon balance using ecosystem carbon models, and 4) the integration of carbon into land management decisions including evaluation of potential implications of different federal approaches to carbon management. This project is supported by USDA.

Dilling, L., K.C. Kelsey, D.P. Fernandez, Y.D. Huang, J.B. Milford, and J.C. Neff, 2016. Managing Carbon on Federal Public Lands: Opportunities and Challenges in Southwestern Colorado. Environmental Management 58 (2) 283-296, issn: 0364-152X, ids: DQ4FK, doi: 10.1007/s00267-016-0714-2.