Max Boykoff presents "Media Coverage of Climate Issues" at Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010

Climate Change and the Media
Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010
21-23 June 2010
Bonn, Germany

Conference Information

June 22, 2010

Land Use and Land Use Change in the Climate Change Debate and Negotiations

Land and climate are two sides of the sustainable development coin. Land use and land use change affect climate change. Conversely, climate change affects land use and land use change. The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights the influence of land use change on cimate change since 1750. Up to 31% of carbon emissions are from land use change, of which 17.4% from deforestation and 13.5% from agriculture. The Kyoto Protocol lays emphasis on the promotion of both sustainable forest management practices and sustainable forms of agrculture, but there is greater public awareness about deforestation over agriculture. In this workshop, panellists will: a) share insights into the political nature of the agricultural sources of green house gas emissions and the reasons behind the lud silence on these issues in the public debate on climate change; b) explain how sustainable land use practices and management, particularly in the drylands, matter for mitigation and adaptationto climate change; c) the longterm socioeconomic dimensions of agriculture in the climate change debate; and d) how the media have covered climate change issues.

Ramesh Jaura, Journalist and Executive President, Global Cooperation Council
Sustainable Land Management and mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change
• Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Socio‐economic Dimensions of Land use, Land use change and Climate Change
Politics of Agriculture and Climate Change
• Ralph Ashton, Director, Terrestrial Carbon Group, Columbia University, New York
Media Coverage of Climate Issues
• Professor Maxwell Boykoff, University of Colorado, United States