Roger Pielke, Jr. Scheduled to Give Keynote Speech at Geneva Assoication's M.O.R.E. 25 Conference

July 5, 2011

On July 12, Roger Pielke, Jr. will be giving the keynote speech on "The New Economic Loss Model" at the M.O.R.E. 25 on Mapping and Modelling Risks and Opportunities (MMR+O 2).This conference is organized by the Geneva Association and Axis Re, Bermuda and hosted by the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute in Bermuda.


M.O.R.E. 25 on Mapping and Modelling Risks and Opportunities (MMR+O 2), hosted by hosted by the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI), Bermuda

Date: 12/07/2011-13/07/2011      

Venue: Bermuda Description: To provide a platform between the insurance community, the specialist and academic communities and policy makers to discuss issues on balancing risks and opportunities.

Target audience: Decision makers with risk responsibilities, economists, insurance experts, risk modellers