Lisa Dilling Appointed to EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors

June 15, 2011

Lisa Dilling has been appointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC), and to the Executive Committee within the BOSC. BOSC was established by the EPA to provide advice, information, and recommendations about the Office of Research and Development (ORD) research program. The mission of the BOSC is to provide advice and recommendations on:

  • Evaluating science and engineering research, programs and plans, laboratories, and research-management practices of ORD and recommending actions to improve their quality and/or strengthen their relevance to EPA's mission.
  • Evaluating and providing advice concerning the utilization of peer review within ORD to sustain and enhance the quality of science in EPA.
  • Reviewing ORD's program development and progress, ORD's research planning process, and research program balance, including implementation of the ORD Strategic Plan.
  • Providing peer review including evaluation of ORD's peer review policies, and reviewing ORD Offices, National Laboratories and Centers, and research plans and products.
  • Providing advice on human resources planning, such as scientist career development and rotational assignment programs, and the appropriate scope and design of training programs for environmental research professionals.