Closure of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research


March 3, 2020

With heavy hearts, we regret to announce the closing of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research (CSTPR).

We share below the decision from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES) Director Waleed Abdalati. After a great deal of consideration and consultation, CIRES has made a decision not to continue funding CSTPR past the end of the current Memorandum of Understanding (May 31).

The many great people who founded and contributed to CIRES CSTPR over our 18 years deserve our gratitude and thanks as CIRES makes this transition.

COVID-19 Announcement

Currently CSTPR has moved to remote staffing and teaching. The CSTPR community remains committed to being connected during this time and is accessible via email:

CU Boulder is continuously updating its information and guidance for the university community to address the changing status of COVID-19. Updates about COVID-19 can be readily found on the CU Boulder website.