Ogmius Newsletter

Center News

Kevin Vranes Joins Center

Kevin's PhotoKevin Vranes recently joined the Center as a CIRES Visiting Fellow.  Kevin has been interested in the intersections of science and society since he was an undergraduate at UC Davis studying geology, water and dams.  Kevin went to graduate school at Columbia University, where he did a Ph.D. at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in physical oceanography and climatology.  While at Columbia he took policy classes at the School for International and Public Affairs and later became a Fellow of the Public Policy Consortium.  In 2001 Kevin joined a team coordinated by the Center for Hazards and Risk Research and the Urban Planning program to respond to the December 1999 debris flows in the capitol region of Venezuela.  This was an exploration in blending urban planning techniques with geoscience expertise to invent a broad disaster resilience plan for a large urban center.  After finishing graduate school, he was selected as the 2003 - 2004 Congressional Science Fellow of the American Geophysical Union.  Kevin served as legislative fellow for U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), covering a broad array of topics including the transportation bill (S.1072 in the 108th Congress), NASA and EPA oversight, the energy bill (H.R. 6), natural hazards legislation, and abandoned mine cleanup.  Kevin then spent the past year and a half in the Geology Department at the University of Montana (Missoula) as a visiting Assistant Professor where he taught undergraduate and graduate courses in geology, oceanography, climate change, and science policy.  For more information visit Kevin’s website.

New Faculty and Research Affiliates

The Center has added several new faculty members to its growing list of affiliates.

Krister Andersson, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies.

Sarah Krakoff, Assistant Professor, Law.

Juan Lucena, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts and International Studies Division (LAIS), Colorado School of Mines.

Roop Mahajan, Professor, Mechanical Engineering.

Mark Squillace, Professor of Law and Director, Natural Resources Law Center.

Richard Conant, an ecosystem ecologist at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University, has joined the Center as a Research Affiliate.

Stay tuned for interesting noontime talks by our new and current faculty affiliates.