Ogmius Newsletter

Recent Publications

The following represents a sample of the numerous publications authored by Center staff.  For a complete, searchable list, with online versions of most articles, visit our Publications page.

Cherney, D.N. and Clark, S.G., 2008. The American West's Longest Large Mammal Migration: Clarifying and Securing the Common Interest. Policy Sciences.

Abstract: Over the last 10 years, conflict has grown over a 170-mile pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) migration between Grand Teton National Park and the Upper Green River Basin in western Wyoming. Resolving conflict in the common interest is proving difficult. This movement is the longest mammal migration in the lower 48 states, spanning the jurisdiction of three federal agencies, three Wyoming counties, and over 40 private landowners. In addition, there are over ten non-governmental conservation organizations, two major state agencies, Wyoming’s executive office, and many citizens involved in the issue. There are three major problem definitions serving the beliefs of participants: the ecological-scientific (conservation biologists, environmentalists), local rights (local control, property rights), and cultural value (historic, western heritage) definitions. These definitions challenge the social and decision making processes of regional communities and government agencies. Underlying the problem of securing the common interest are the highly fragmented patterns of authority and control, misorganized arena(s), and parochial perspectives of many participants. Options promoted by participants can be loosely classified as top-down (government, expert driven) versus bottom-up (local, practice-based) approaches and reflect preferences for the distribution and uses of power and other values. Given the social and decision making context of this case, the bottom-up, practiced-based approach would likely best secure a common interest outcome… read more.

Pielke, Jr., R.A., 2008. Science and Politics: Accepting a Dysfunctional Union. Harvard International Review, Summer, pp. 36-41.

Excerpt: Dan Sarewitz, professor of science and society at Arizona State University, argues that we should fully expect politicians to politicize scientific information because “that is their job...and this—like the second law of thermodynamics—is not something to be regretted, but something to be lived with.” Sarewitz’s assertion flies in the face of many recent discussions on science and politics, focusing predominantly on the actions of President George W. Bush, which are characterized in ample portions by both blame and regret… read more.