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Center Events

CSTPR Fall Noontime Seminar Series
“Research With Policy Impact”

CSTPR Fall 2013 Noontime Seminar SeriesCSTPR’s popular noontime seminar series, now in its 11th year, will feature talks about “Research with Policy Impact” this fall. The schedule is as follows:

  • October 10, CSTPR conference room: “International Negotiations Survey: Exploring Possible Avenues for Climate Diplomacy”. Björn-Ola Linnér, Centre for Climate Science and Policy, Linköpings universitet (Sweden), CIRES Visiting Fellow Fall 2013
  • October 16, CSTPR conference room: “Climate Change Communication and Adaptation Decision-making in the Humanitarian Sector in East Africa: Three cases”. Amy Quandt, Arielle Tozier de la Poterie, and Kanmani Venkateswaran, Environmental Studies and Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, UCB
  • October 24, CIRES S274: “Balancing cost, performance, and efficiency for complex water problems: A many objective approach to sustainability”. Joseph Kasprzyk, Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, UCB (co-sponsored by Western Water Assessment)
  • November 6, CIRES S74: “Estimating the historical and future probabilities of large terrorist events”. Aaron Clauset, Computer Science, UCB
  • November 14, CSTPR conference room: “Multi-level Governance, Climate Change and Urban Energy Transitions: State-local relations in Colorado’s ‘New Energy Economy’”. Michelle Betsill, Department of Political Science, Colorado State University, and CIRES Visiting Fellow Fall 2013
  • December 5, CIRES S274: “Political Extremism Is Supported by an Illusion of Understanding”. Phillip Fernbach, Leeds School of Business, UCB

Talks are usually webcast and can be viewed live or through a recording. Join our mailing list to receive notification of the talks and a link to the webcast by entering your email on the left hand column on our homepage. Maps and directions to the CSTPR conference room and CIRES S274. All talks are free and open to the public.