MULTIMEDIA HIGHLIGHTInstitute for Social Change and Sustainability, WU Vienna
How may we best support the transformation of contemporary consumer societies to social and ecological sustainability? How may we help to avoid losing time with narratives of ‘transformation’ which may in fact do more to reproduce the status quo? Sustainability researchers in academic institutions are not just detached observers of societal developments, but they are themselves key actors in the public debate in which societal concerns about sustainability are articulated and politicized, and political priorities identified. Acknowledging this dual role and the social, political and academic responsibility that comes with it, the Institute for Social Change and Sustainability (IGN) explores the interdependence of the development of modern societies and their discourses and politics of (un)sustainability. In an international research workshop the IGN investigated the persistent obstacles and limitations to profound societal change. For more CSTPR multimedia (video, audio and photo) visit our Multimedia page. |