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CSTPR Briefing
The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
Briefing #30, 29 September 2016

The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research is working to improve how science and technology policies address societal needs.

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CSTPR Welcomes Max Boykoff as Director

Max Boykoff

The CIRES Center for Science and Technology Policy Research (CSTPR) is pleased to announce Max Boykoff as its new Director. Professor Roger Pielke, Jr., who served as the Center's founding director from 2001-2007, and again as director from 2013 until he completed his term in January, has gone on to spearhead creation of the CU Sports Governance Center within the CU Athletic Department. Boykoff's research focuses on the cultural politics of climate change and the transformation of carbon-based economies. Read more ...

CU Aims to be Leader in Research of Sports Issues

AAAS Case Workshop Winners Sarah Welsh-Huggins and Angela Boag speak with Senator Cory Gardner. AAAS Case Workshop Winners Sarah Welsh-Huggins and Angela Boag speak with Senator Cory Gardner.

AAAS Case Workshop Winners Sarah Welsh-Huggins and Angela Boag speak with Senator Cory Gardner.

For the third year CSTPR organized a campus-wide competition to select two students to attend the AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” Workshop in Washington, D.C. Winners of the 2016 AAAS CASE workshop competition reported on their experiences at the 2016 workshop:

"Our time in D.C. was well-organized, thought-provoking, and for this future science policy-maker, a lot of fun. In three jam-packed days, we were introduced to the worlds of science for policy and policy for science, and what it means to be an effective leader in each. What do NASA and the FBI have in common? Their funding comes from the same congressional appropriations committee. What, then, is an appropriations bill? How does that differ from an allocation bill?" Read more ...

In Memorian: Radford Byerly, Jr.

Rad Byerly passed away on January 26, 2016. Rad had worked with the Center since its founding in 2001 as a researcher and advisor, and played an important role in the Center's development. His career is described in the obituary that appeared in the Daily Camera, reproduced below.

Radford Byerly, Jr., died yesterday after a long fight with Parkinson’s disease. He was 79. Read more ...

Sample of Recent Publications

Managing Carbon on Federal Public Lands: Opportunities and Challenges in Southwestern Colorado
by L. Dilling, K. C. Kelsey, D.P. Fernandez, Y.D. Huang, J.B. Milford and J.C. Neff, Environmental Management

The Role of U.S. States in Facilitating Effective Water Governance Under Stress and Change
by C. Kirchhoff and L. Dilling, Water Resources Research

How Competing Securitized Discourses over Land Appropriation Are Constructed: The Promotion of Solar Energy in the Israeli Desert
by I. Fischhendler, D. Boymel, and M. T. Boykoff, Environmental Communication

All articles are available via download from our website or can be requested by email.

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