Environmental and Science Communication Workshops and Curriculum

Phaedra Pezzullo

In Summer 2018, four graduate students in ENVS and COMM were funded for part-time research. From this, they created a resource guide of science and environmental communication centers, identifying key documents for public circulation. More rigorously, they identified classes across the university curriculum that might be considered as part of a science and environmental communication undergraduate certificate. From that research, Prof. Pezzullo developed a proposal that has been vetted by administrators, who advised proposing a Minor (or more) in the new College of Media, Communication, and Information. In Spring 2019, Prof. Pezzullo garnered support from colleagues in the college. Then, she and Prof. Boykoff met with their colleagues Prof. Osnes and Prof. Safran to verify the most helpful narrative about the curriculum and to deliberate how many degrees are relevant to develop at this time. We are excited that no significant barriers have been identified yet, and we hope the outcome will support undergraduate education on campus in interdisciplinary, timely, and innovative ways.