Research themes

Drivers of Risk Management Decisions

We interrogate how individuals and institutions – at local, regional, national, and international scales – make decisions to respond and adapt to perceived risks, and what factors promote or inhibit effective decision making.

Drivers of Risk Management Decisions Projects

Projects under this theme include research into responses to weather- and climate-related hazards in local governments in the intermountain Western US, and decisions around environment, development and health risks in developing countries.


Advancing the Use of Drought Early Warning Systems in the Upper Colorado River Basin

(Lisa Dilling)


Interactions of Drought and Climate Adaptation (IDCA) for Urban Water

(Lisa Dilling)


Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre Internship Program

(Max Boykoff)


Emerging Responses to Genetically Modified Crops in Boulder County

(Amanda Carrico)


Building a Network of VAR (Vulnerability, Adaptation, Resilience) Researchers in the Intermountain West

(Lisa Dilling)