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Fellowships via the Consortium for Innovation on Nanotechnology, Energy and Materials (CINEMA) are designed to:
- Attract the next generation of exceptionally qualified postdoctoral fellows from Brazil who have outstanding talent and credentials in basic renewable energy research, and
- Pair them with a research group in the United States.
Living and health benefit stipends for the postdoctoral fellows will be supported by Brazil’s Science without Borders Program (Ciência sem Fronteiras/CNPq) in collaboration with Brazil’s State Agencies for Research Support.
To apply for Ciência sem Fronteiras/CNPq, click here, log into CNPq, and complete the application form. Once complete, you can apply to the CINEMA program.
This application process has the following two deadlines:
April 15, 2015 deadline (Only for Brazilian candidates)
- Step 1: Before April 15, send a CV and a Brazilian Fellow Expression of Interest to the research mentor(s) of your choice. This first proposal is written solely by the potential fellow.
- Step 2: Before April 15, apply to the Science without Borders program. Even though the official deadline from CNPq is April 23, CINEMA applicants must apply by April 15 to avoid potentials issues with the CNPq application process.
- Step 3: Send in a Letter of Intent to, informing CINEMA that you have applied to CNPq and providing your areas of interest and potential research mentors.
May 15, 2015 deadline (Joint Brazil-US candidates)
- Step 4: Submit your US Brazil Fellow-Research Mentor Joint Application. This second proposal is written collaboratively between the potential fellow and research mentor. This proposal can be based on the first one, but does not have to be, and can be changed in collaboration with your proposed mentor.
This application includes:
1) Joint Research Statement,
2) CV of Brazilian applicant,
3) Letter of Reference from Graduate School Advisor,
4) Letter of Reference from current Postdoctoral Advisor,
5) Letter of Reference from the person of your choice, and
6) Letter of Commitment from U.S. research mentor.
You will receive an email confirming receipt of your CINEMA application within 48 hours of submission.
Candidates for fellowships must complete their doctoral programs before February 1, 2016. Candidates must let their potential US research mentor know their expected graduation date if they have not already received their Ph.D. The proposed research project should be linked to the research being pursued by one of the groups participating in the program and contribute toward furthering the field of renewable energy science.
All candidates must apply through
both Ciência sem Fronteiras/CNPq and CINEMA.
Applicants will be evaluated on the following three criteria:
1) Fit of project within CINEMA (25%)
- Mutual benefit to the US and Brazil
- Fit within one of the following areas of study: Nanotechnology for renewable energy or nanomaterials for renewable energy. See list of CINEMA Energy Science Areas of Research.
2) Quality of the research project description (50%)
- High-quality, innovative project with planned publications
- Has potential high impact for renewable energy
3) Research mentor-CINEMA fellow match (25%)
- Appropriate accomplishments in energy-related research (meaningful contribution in CINEMA Energy Science Areas of Research).
- Experience in relevant areas of research
- Knowledge of appropriate techniques
- Relevant publication record of mentor
Awards are scheduled to be announced in August 2015.
Please see our FAQs page for more information.