Ogmius Newsletter

Center Talks & Presentations

Usable Science: A CSTPR-CSPO Briefing Workshop on Science for Decision Making

Dr. John Marburger, IIIOn April 12, the Center and the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (CSPO) held a briefing in Washington, DC for science policy decision makers to unveil their new handbook, Science for Decision Making (see Research Highlight).  Researchers with the Science Policy Assessment and Research on Climate (SPARC) project provided highlights from the new handbook.  Former Presidential Science Advisor John Marburger gave the keynote address.

Below is a list of talks from the workshop. Presentations and photographs can be seen on the SPARC website.

Creating Usable Science in an Uncertain World by Lisa Dilling, University of Colorado

Federal Institutions for Usable Science and Technology by Nathaniel Logar, Harvard University

Usable Science in Practice? A Contrast of Earthquake and Hurricane Research by Genevieve Maricle, U.S. Agency for International Development

Delivering Usable Science: The Case of Climate Services by Elizabeth McNie, Purdue University

Moderator: William Hooke, American Meteorological Society

Science Policy Making as a Creative Act by Dr. John H. Marburger, III , Vice President for Research, Stony Brook University

Noontime Seminar Series

Center TalksIn conjunction with the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI), as well as the Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS), the Center’s spring noontime seminar series has focused on energy.  The talks are free and open to the public. Contact Ami Nacu-Schmidt (ami@cires.colorado.edu) if you wish to be added to our mailing list to receive notices of upcoming talks:


  • Panel discussion, Reflections on the COP15 Conference, January 11
  • Jennifer Schneider and Jason Delborne, Citizen Voices in the Global Climate and Energy Challenge, February 1
  • Julie Lundquist, Harnessing the Power of the Wind, February 15
  • Karen Maguire, Impacts of Regulation on Wind Energy Development, March 1
  • Roger Pielke, Jr., Lisa Dilling, Bill Travis, Ben Hale, Max Boykoff, Geoengineering and climate change: possibilities, promises, perils, March 29
  • Adam Reed, Carbon Tales: Information Infrastructures for Sustainable Biofuels Governance, April 19
  • Jonathan Hughes, Carbon Trading, Low Carbon Fuel Standards & Renewable Fuel Standards, April 29
  • Barbara Farhar, Concentrating Solar Power: Tensions in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, May 3



ENVS Colloquium Series 2010

In Spring 2010 the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado and the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research co-sponsored a Colloquium series focusing on Environmental Justice. Contact Ami Nacu-Schmidt (ami@cires.colorado.edu) if you wish to be added to our mailing list to receive notices of future talks:

January 25, 2010
Justice and Mitigation: US Policy & The Copenhagen Accord
by Darrell Moellendorf, Department of Philosophy, San Diego State University
Commentators: Lisa Dilling, CU Environmental Studies

February 15, 2010
Climate Change and Adaptation: Disparate Effect on American Indian Nations and Possible Responses
by Sarah Krakoff, CU School of Law
Commentators: Daniel Cordalis, CU Environmental Studies and Doreen Martinez, CU Ethnic Studies

March 1, 2010
Is Arming the Future with Geoengineering really the “Lesser Evil’? Some Worries about the Ethics of Intentionally Manipulating the Climate System
by Stephen Gardiner, University of Washington, Department of Philosophy
Commentator: Maxwell Boykoff, CU Environmental Studies and Geography

March 8, 2010
Engineering with a Human Face
by Bernard Amedei, CU Dept. of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
Commentators: Ricardo Simmonds, CU Environmental Studies and Steve Vanderheiden, CU Environmental Studies and Political Sciences

March 29, 2010
Panel Discussion on Geoengineering and Climate Change: Possibilities, Promises, Perils
Panel Discussion with Bill Travis, Lisa Dilling, Benjamin Hale, Roger Pielke, Jr., and Max Boykoff

April 5, 2010
How is Climate Justice Related to Cosmopolitan Justice?
by Deen Chatterjee, University of Utah, Department of Philosophy
Commentator: Benjamin Hale, CU Environmental Studies and Philosophy



Talks by CSTPR Personnel
  • Roger Pielke, Jr., The Role of Science Advice and Science Advisors in Making Policy, March 1
  • Max Boykoff, Understanding Climate Change Skepticism: Its Sources and Strategies, February 22
  • Benjamin Hale, Nonrenewable Resources and the Inevitability of Outcomes, February 19
  • Roger Pielke, Jr., Climate Change and Effects on the Energy Industry, CO Dept of Public Health, February 18
  • Roger Pielke, Jr., Has Global Warming increased the toll of disasters?, Royal Institution of Great Britain, February 5
  • Max Boykoff, Exploring how climate change becomes meaningful in our everyday lives, January 22
  • Max Boykoff, Climate and Weather - focusing on Wind Energy Solutions, January 7