Ogmius Newsletter

Center Events

Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference

On August 3 the Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication conference hosted a panel on communicating climate change that brought together academic researchers (including CSTPR's Max Boykoff) from multiple disciplines and practitioners from different perspectives. Visit the conference website for more information. Max Boykoff also presented "Media Coverage of Climate Issues" at Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010, June 22, 2010. Max Boykoff also presented "Who Speaks for the Climate? Understanding Media Representations on Climate Change" at the University of Arizona, May 4, 2010.

Max Boykoff

Max Boykoff, June 22, 2010

Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy

CSTPR’s Roger A. Pielke, Jr. co-chaired this year’s Gordon Conference on Science and Technology Policy August 8-13, 2010 in Waterville Valley Resort, New Hampshire. The conference focused on a wide range of research at the intersection of science, technology, policy and society, in particular on further developing partnerships between North American and European researchers. Invited speakers represented a variety of scientific disciplines in the policy sciences, social and natural sciences as well as the humanities. The Conference brought together a collection of investigators who are at the forefront of their field, and provided opportunities for junior scientists and graduate students to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. The collegial atmosphere of this Conference, with programmed discussion sessions as well as opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons and evenings, provided an avenue for scholars from different disciplines to brainstorm and promote cross-disciplinary collaborations in the various research areas represented. Visit the conference website for more information.


8th Annual Environmental Policy Conference

Roger Pielke, Jr. gave the keynote talk at the 8th Environmental Policy Conference of the Washington Policy Center. The title of his talk was “How Simple Math Adds Up to Complicates Politics”. You can view Roger’s powerpoint presentation from this keynote talk.

Also, Roger’s talk can be viewed here (the talk starts at 17:30 in the video).

Roger Pielke, Jr.

Noontime Seminar Series Fall 2010

Now in its 9th year, this fall’s noontime seminar series will focus on the theme “Decision Making Under Uncertainty.” The presentations below have been confirmed, and more will be scheduled. Please check back here: http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/news/seminars_fall2010.html for a complete schedule. Unless otherwise stated, all talks are at noon on Thursdays and held in either the CSTPR conference room or at CIRES.

September 16 at 12:00 PM | CIRES BLDG S274
The Cost of Climate Change Adaptation for Infrastructure: The Relative Impact on Developing and Developed Countries
by Paul S. Chinowsky
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado

Noontime Seminar Series Fall 2010

September 23 at 12:00 PM | CSTPR Conference Room
Integrating Science and Policy: Climate Change Assessments and Water Resources Management
by Christine Kirchhoff
Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado

October 7 at 12:00 PM | CSTPR Conference Room
Arctic Sea Changes: Prospects for Increased Marine Traffic With Unpredictable Sea Ice Conditions
by Mark Serreze
National Snow and Ice Data Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences


October 14 at 12:00 PM | CSTPR Conference Room
Declaring a Climate Emergency: Geo-engineering and the Doctrine of Last Resort
by Bill Travis
Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado

October 28 at 12:00 PM | CSTPR Conference Room
Producing Useful Scientific Information for Policy: How Scientists Perceive the Likely Utility of their Research
by Elizabeth McNie
Political Science Department, Purdue University

November 4 at 12:00 PM | CIRES BLDG S274
How Climate Models Gain and Exercise Authority
by Mike Hulme
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia

November 11 at 12:00 PM | CSTPR Conference Room
Observing and Understanding Changes in Ice Sheets: The Sea Level Wild Card
by Waleed Abdalati
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado

November 18 at 12:00 PM | CSTPR Conference Room
Doing PhD - Doing the Right Thing?
by Gesa Lüdecke
Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communications, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

December 2 at 12:00 PM | CIRES BLDG S274
Improving Communication of Weather Forecast Uncertainty to Aid Decisions
by Rebecca Morss
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

ENVS Colloquium Series Fall 2010

The theme for the ENVS Fall 2010 Colloquium Series is 'adaptation and the environment'. In the interdisciplinary spirit of environmental studies, one main speaker gives a more extensive talk. Then, two commentators from varied and complementary disciplines offer insight on some other dimension of the issue at hand.  The aim has been to have representation from faculty and grad students on the panels. All sessions are scheduled for the CIRES auditorium from 4-6pm (with refreshments preceding the talks, 4-430pm). Click here for directions. Contact ami@cires.colorado.edu if you wish to be added to our mailing list to receive notices of future talks. For an updated schedule see the ENVS Colloquium webpage. The series is being co-sponsored by the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado and the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research.

ENVS Colloquium

September 8, 2010
Research on Adapting to Climate Change: Are We Asking the Right Questions?
by Lisa Dilling
CU Environmental Studies Program and CIRES
Commentators: Balaji Rajagopalan, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado and Steve Vanderheiden, Department of Political Science, University of Colorado


October 13, 2010
Climate Change Impacts in Indian Country:  Adapting "Adaptation" for American Indian Tribes
by Julie Teel
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Energy and Environmental Security, University of Colorado Law School


November 10, 2010
Adaptation and the Construction of Risk
by Ted Nordhaus & Michael Shellenberger
Chairman and President, Breakthrough Institute


December 8, 2010
Climate Change: Why we are in too deep already, and why we won't avoid serious consequences
by Jim White, CU Environmental Studies Program and Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research