Ogmius Newsletter

Center in the news

To read the below and other news articles about the Center see our In the News page.

Max Boykoff was quoted, cited, interviewed, or referenced in the following media:

  • 1 July 2010 Yale Forum article on climate change and the media: A Tale of Two Climate Change Stories: The Times, the Globe and the ‘Front-Page Thought’ by Andrew Freedman.
  • 8 June 2010 Discovery News article on public perception of climate change: Is Global Warming Real? by Robert Lamb.
  • 27 May 2010 Reuters article on public view of climate change: World warms, public cools to climate action by Alister Doyle.

Lisa Dilling was quoted, cited, interviewed, or referenced in the following media:

  • 7 July 2010 Environmental Research Letters article on using land-management techniques to store carbon and mitigate climate change: Storing carbon: motivating landowners is key by Liz Kalaugher.

Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted, cited, interviewed, or referenced in the following media:

  • 30 August 2010 Telegraph article on recent report of the IPCC: IPCC told to stop lobbying and restrict role to explaining climate science by Stephen Adams and Robert Winnett.
  • 30 August 2010 Houston Chronicle article on record heat for the summer: Record heat may be our new normal: Scientists say this summer fits the pattern of a warming world by Eric Berger.
  • 30 August 2010 Associated Press article on recent report of the IPCC: Report: Climate Science Panel Needs Change At Top by Seth Borenstein.
  • 27 August 2010 Nature News article on Hurricane Katrina: Evaluating Katrina’s impact on science.
  • 20 August 2010 Crosscut article on sustained investment in an energy technology revolution: Climate policy wars: People want affordable solutions.
  • 19 July 2010 Live Science article on manipulating nature for long-term survival: Can Humans Survive? by Jeremy Hsu.
  • 16 July 2010 Financial Post article on the politicization of climate science: Bad politics: The politicization of climate science reaches new low with the development of a deniers blacklist by Terence Corcoran.
  • 16 July 2010 Wall Street Journal article on recent report absolving the scientists involved in the 2009 Climategate scandal: A Climate Absolution?: More like a 160-page evasion of the real issues that confront global-warming science.
  • 14 July 2010 NewScientist article on the UK's official report into the "Climategate" affair: Climate scientists respond to 'Climategate' report.
  • 7 July 2010 New York Times article on British panel clearing scientists involved in Climategate scandal: British Panel Clears Climate Scientists by Justin Gillis.
  • 4 July 2010 Guardian article on the changes after the 'Climategate' scandal: 'Climategate' was 'a game-changer' in science reporting, say climatologists by Fred Pearce.
  • 13 June 2010 Times Colonist article on Forum to discuss Vancouver Island's energy needs: Forum to explore Island's growing energy needs by Judith Lavoie.
  • 16 May 2010 Boston Globe article on global warming debate between Lindzen and Emanuel: A cooling trend by Beth Daley.
  • 12 May 2010 Science Insider article on the recent Hartwell paper about how to reform climate policy: Do You Heart 'The Hartwell Paper'? by Eli Kintisch.
  • 11 May 2010 BBC News article on a new direction for climate policy: After the crash - a new direction for climate policy by Mike Hulme.
  • 12 April 2010 ABC News article on the House of Commons committee: Who needs a committee report to spot rank deception? by Joanne Nova.

In the News