Max Boykoff was quoted, cited, interviewed, or referenced in the following media:
- 1 July 2010 Yale Forum article on climate change and the media: A Tale of Two Climate Change Stories: The Times, the Globe and the ‘Front-Page Thought’ by Andrew Freedman.
- 8 June 2010 Discovery News article on public perception of climate change: Is Global Warming Real? by Robert Lamb.
- 27 May 2010 Reuters article on public view of climate change: World warms, public cools to climate action by Alister Doyle.
Lisa Dilling was quoted, cited, interviewed, or referenced in the following media:
- 7 July 2010 Environmental Research Letters article on using land-management techniques to store carbon and mitigate climate change: Storing carbon: motivating landowners is key by Liz Kalaugher.
Roger Pielke, Jr. was quoted, cited, interviewed, or referenced in the following media:
- 30 August 2010 Telegraph article on recent report of the IPCC: IPCC told to stop lobbying and restrict role to explaining climate science by Stephen Adams and Robert Winnett.
- 30 August 2010 Houston Chronicle article on record heat for the summer: Record heat may be our new normal: Scientists say this summer fits the pattern of a warming world by Eric Berger.
- 30 August 2010 Associated Press article on recent report of the IPCC: Report: Climate Science Panel Needs Change At Top by Seth Borenstein.
- 27 August 2010 Nature News article on Hurricane Katrina: Evaluating Katrina’s impact on science.
- 20 August 2010 Crosscut article on sustained investment in an energy technology revolution: Climate policy wars: People want affordable solutions.
- 19 July 2010 Live Science article on manipulating nature for long-term survival: Can Humans Survive? by Jeremy Hsu.
- 16 July 2010 Financial Post article on the politicization of climate science: Bad politics: The politicization of climate science reaches new low with the development of a deniers blacklist by Terence Corcoran.
- 16 July 2010 Wall Street Journal article on recent report absolving the scientists involved in the 2009 Climategate scandal: A Climate Absolution?: More like a 160-page evasion of the real issues that confront global-warming science.
- 14 July 2010 NewScientist article on the UK's official report into the "Climategate" affair: Climate scientists respond to 'Climategate' report.
- 7 July 2010 New York Times article on British panel clearing scientists involved in Climategate scandal: British Panel Clears Climate Scientists by Justin Gillis.
- 4 July 2010 Guardian article on the changes after the 'Climategate' scandal: 'Climategate' was 'a game-changer' in science reporting, say climatologists by Fred Pearce.
- 13 June 2010 Times Colonist article on Forum to discuss Vancouver Island's energy needs: Forum to explore Island's growing energy needs by Judith Lavoie.
- 16 May 2010 Boston Globe article on global warming debate between Lindzen and Emanuel: A cooling trend by Beth Daley.
- 12 May 2010 Science Insider article on the recent Hartwell paper about how to reform climate policy: Do You Heart 'The Hartwell Paper'? by Eli Kintisch.
- 11 May 2010 BBC News article on a new direction for climate policy: After the crash - a new direction for climate policy by Mike Hulme.
- 12 April 2010 ABC News article on the House of Commons committee: Who needs a committee report to spot rank deception? by Joanne Nova.