Ogmius Newsletter

Center News

The Climate Fix

Roger Pielke, Jr.'s book The Climate Fix has been listed as one of the best books of 2010 by The American Society of Landscape Architects. Roger went on a book tour this fall to promote The Climate Fix which included stops in Rome and Bergamo, Italy; Washington, DC (National Press Club and Embassy of Austria); San Francisco, CA (SF Club Office); Seattle, WA (Town Hall Seattle); Tempe, AZ (Changing Hands Bookstore); Ann Arbor, MI (University of Michigan); West Lafayette, IN ( Purdue University); Madison, WI (University of Wisconsin); and London, UK (The Legatum Institute's Book Forum; LSE Mackinder Programme for the Study of Long Wave Events). Webcasts from some of the events are available here.

The Climate Fix

Mike Hulme Visit

Professor Mike Hulme, professor of climate change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia and internationally recognized climate change expert, visited the Center in November. Professor Hulme participated in several events while in Boulder including a roundtable discussion with graduate students, a noontime seminar series talk titled “How Climate Models Gain and Exercise Authority”, and a CIRES Distinguished Lecture titled “Why We Disagree about Climate Change.” For more information see the Hulme 2010 Seminars webpage.


Mike Hulme

David Cherney Awarded McDougal Prize

CSTPR graduate student David Cherney was awarded the 2010 McDougal Prize of the Society for Policy Science for his article (co-authored with Susan G. Clark), “The American West’s Longest Large Mammal Migration: Clarifying and Securing the Common Interest.” The article was published in Policy Sciences.


David Cherney