Ogmius Newsletter

Center Events

CSTPR Noontime SeminarThe Water’s Edge:
Innovative Research in Water, Climate & Sustainability

All talks are held in the CSTPR conference room [map] on Thursdays from 12:00 - 1:00 PM unless otherwise indicated. Free and open to the public.

September 15, 2011
Normalized Tornado Losses in the United States: 1950-2011

by Roger Pielke, Jr., Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado

October 6, 2011
Climate Adaptation by Any Other Name - Social Learning in Colorado Water Governance: Building Adaptive Capacity for Climate Uncertainty?

by Shannon McNeeley, Research Applications Laboratory/Integrated Science Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research

October 13, 2011
Abrupt Climate Change: What is it and Should I Fear it?

by Jim White, INSTAAR and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado


October 27, 2011
Collaborative Resilience: Moving Through Crisis to Opportunity

by Bruce Goldstein, Department of Planning and Design, University of Colorado

November 3, 2011
Twenty Years of Water Reform in Australia: Any Lessons for the American West?

by Brad Udall, Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado


December 1, 2011
Adapting to What? Interactions of Drought Management, Climate Adaptation, and Shifting Vulnerability in the Urban Water Sector

by Lisa DIlling and Meaghan Daly, Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado

December 8, 2011
Current Colorado Water Issues: Research and Information Needs

by Reagan M. Waskom, Colorado Water Institute, Colorado State University


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Center Ten-Year Anniversary Celebration
September 2012


We plan to commemorate our 10-year anniversary in September 2012 with an exciting event that will include current faculty, staff and students, as well as our alumni and others in the science and technology policy community. Stay tuned for further details!

Center Events
Fall 2011 ENVS Colloquium Series

ENVS Colloquium

Managing Towards Sustainability (upcoming talks)

one scientist. one humanist
one policy expert. one topic... not your ordinary talk.


Sponsored by the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

Wednesdays 3:30 - 5:30 PM, CIRES Auditorium
[map]. Refreshments starting at 3:30 pm. Talks/panels begin at 4:00 pm. Free and open to the public.

October 26, 2011: Sustainable Food Systems - Going Beyond ‘The Omnivore’s Dilemma’
by Shannon Collinge Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado

Commentators: Michael Zimmerman, CU Center for Humanities and the Arts and Jessica Lovering, CU Environmental Studies Program

November 16, 2011: Acid Mine Drainage and Climate Change in the Rocky Mountains: Approaches to Understand and Address a Major Problem that is Rapidly Getting Worse
by Diane McKnight, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado

Commentators: Nick Flores, CU Department of Economics and John Berggren, CU Environmental Studies Program