Ogmius Newsletter

Center News
AMS Adaptation Meeting

The Center had a strong presence at the American Meteorological Society’s “Practical Solutions for a Warming World: AMS Conference on Climate Adaptation,” held on 18- 20 July 2011, in Asheville, North Carolina. Lisa Dilling helped organize and co-chaired the event, and also presented on “The Role of Information in Climate Change Adaptation on Western Public Lands” and “Building and comparing stakeholder databases and networks across RISAs.” She co-authored a poster (with Bobbie Klein and Meaghan Daly) on the “Interactions Of Drought And Climate Adaptation For Urban Water (IDCA)” project. Other Center presentations included John Berggren (with Lisa Dilling) on “Analyzing

expressed stakeholder needs in the Western Water Assessment RISA;” Christine Kirchhoff (with Lisa Dilling) on “Science Informing Policy? Understanding Drivers and Constraints to Improved Water Management in a Changing Climate;” and CSTPR alum Elizabeth McNie on “Producing usable climate science for climate services: what your research organization needs to know.” Bobbie Klein helped prepare a presentation by Eric Gordon titled “The Colorado Climate Preparedness Project: A Systematic Approach to Assessing State-Level Adaptation.” The meeting agenda and recordings of the presentations can be found here.

Roger Pielke


Roger Pielke, Jr. discusses the Center on our new video.
Check it out!


Center News
Other Presentations by Center Personnel

September 1

Lisa Dilling attended the 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting in Denver with three other CIRES Fellows. She presented a talk titled “Facilitating usable science: Experience from the use of seasonal climate forecasts.”

June 20

Max Boykoff spoke at the ‘International Climate Communication Summit’ sponsored by Greenpeace about”What Media Analysis Can Tell Us About Effective Climate Change Communications”.

June 25

Max Boykoff chaired a media and climate session at the 2011 Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Meeting on “Exploring How Mass Media Confront Complexity When Covering Climate Change”.

July 14

Max Boykoff gave a talk at University of Oxford on “Who speaks for climate? Making sense of media reporting on climate change”. A webcast of this event is available here.

9News Your Show

Marty Coniglio and Roger Pielke, Jr., May 29, 2011

July 9

Roger Pielke, Jr. discussed the promise vs. the reality of the space shuttle program on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition. Listen online.

July 12

Roger Pielke, Jr. gave the keynote speech on “The New Economic Loss Model” at the M.O.R.E. 25 on Mapping and Modeling Risks and Opportunities (MMR+O 2). This conference was organized by the

Geneva Association and Axis Re, Bermuda and hosted by the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute in Bermuda.

May 29

Roger Pielke, Jr. discussed climate change with meteorologist Marty Coniglio on 9News YOUR SHOW. Videos from this interview are available here.

Center News
Graduate Student and Visitor News

Fran HollenderCSTPR welcomes Fran Hollender as a visitor this fall. Fran joins us from the University of Vienna, Institute for Social Studies of Science, where she is pursuing an M.A. in Science, Technology and Society. Fran will be collaborating with Max Boykoff on a project examining climate change and social media.

The Center also welcomes new grad students Chandler Griffith and Arielle Tozie

Chandler Griffithde la Poterie. Chandler is a Ph.D. student in Geography. Originally from Miami, Fl, Chandler moved to Colorado from New York City where he taught and studied for 5 years. His research interests include climate risk management, food production and distribution, as well as natural resource management. Arielle grew up in Portland, Oregon. She has a B.A. in anthropology from Vassar

Arielle Tozie de la PoterieCollege and recently earned an MSc. in Sustainable Development from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Before deciding to pursue her Master’s, she taught English in France and worked for several years in environmental education, restoration, and policy in the Portland area. She has many interests but hopes to focus her research on environmental issues related to international development.