Ogmius Newsletter


Max Boykoff Grants

Max BoykoffMax Boykoff was awarded an Information, Communication, Journalism, Media and Technology (ICJMT) grant for 2012-2013 as a Co-PI with Beth Osnes, Rebecca Safran, Tom Yulsman and Ryan Vachon. The project, ‘Climate Corps,’ focuses on providing curriculum development specific to climate communication.

Max is also an Advisor to ‘Science Express’ PI David Lustick, University of Massachusetts-Lowell (2012-2017) on a grant that aims to assess whether advertising space on subway platforms and trains is an effective means to engage commuters in learning about climate science. For more information, click here.


Center News

Max Boykoff’s Work Referenced in Senate Floor Speech

V T Senator Bernie Sanders On July 30, VT Senator Bernie Sanders referred to Max Boykoff’s research on media coverage of climate change in his speech on the Senate floor. View the speech here.


Center News

Second Most Emailed New York Times article by Ben Hale

New York Times, The Veil of OpulenceBen Hale’s article, The Veil of Opulence, was the second most emailed New York Times article on August 14.


Center News

Boykoff, Dilling, Nacu-Schmidt and Travis Major Contributors to Southwest Climate Assessment of the National Climate Assessment

Southwest Climate Assessment of the National Climate AssessmentSeveral members of CSTPR were major contributors to the Southwest Climate Assessment, one component of the ongoing National Climate Assessment. Bill Travis was a co-author of Chapter 1: Summary for Decision Makers, and Chapter 3: The Changing Southwest. Lisa Dilling and Max Boykoff were co-authors of Chapter 18: Climate Choices for a Sustainable Southwest. Ami Nacu-Schmidt created the majority of the images, which weave into a graphical story across the report.

The Summary for Decision Makers is now available here. The complete report will be available sometime this fall here and here.


Center News

New Grant for Roger Pielke, Jr. to Study Role of Philanthropy in Policy and Politics

The Honest BrokerRoger Pielke, Jr. recently received a $100k grant from the Nathan Cummings Foundation for a new project on the role of philanthropy in policy and politics. Building on the engagement model first introduced in his book, The Honest Broker, the project’s goal is to help philanthropic organizations better understand how they might contribute to improved decision making through support of analyses that help policy makers to make better decisions.