Ogmius Newsletter

Graduate Student, Visitor & ALUMNI News

Marilyn Averill presentations

Marilyn AverillMarilyn Averill, a PhD student in Environmental Studies who works with CSTPR, gave the following presentations:

Averill, M. (Feb. 2015). Decision Rules in Negotiating a New Climate Treaty. International Studies Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans.

Averill, M. (Sept. 2014). Barriers to Framing Claims as Rights Violations in U.S. Climate Litigation. 3rd UNITAR-Yale Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy. New Haven.

Lydia Dixon awards

Lydia DixonLydia Dixon, a PhD student in the Environmental Studies Policy track who works with CSTPR, received a CU Graduate School Summer Dissertation Fellowship as well as a Beverly Sears graduate student grant in order to support her dissertation work on finding ways to improve wolf policy and management in Wyoming. The funding will be used to complete her field work, including interviews, surveys, and a pilot participatory GIS project in a small community near Grand Teton National Park.

Jordan Kincaid journal article

Jordan KincaidJordan Kincaid, a PhD student in Environmental Studies who works with CSTPR, coauthored a new journal article with Matthew Fry and Adam Briggle that uses an environmental justice framework to analyze the distribution of shale gas development’s costs and benefits in Denton, Texas:

Fry, M., A. Briggle, and J. Kincaid, 2015. Fracking and environmental (in)justice in a Texas city. Ecological Economics Volume 117, pp. 97 - 107, September.

Gesa Luedecke presentation

Gesa LuedeckeCIRES Visiting Fellow Gesa Luedecke, who sits at CSTPR, gave a presentation at the Conference on Communication and Environment in June (with Anke Wessels): Communication about Perceptions and Assessments of Climate Change Risks among Regional Stakeholders of the North Sea Coast in Germany: A Transdisciplinary Approach.

Sam Schramski visit

Sam SchramskiSam Schramski is a visiting postdoctoral scholar from the Federal University of Amazonas in Manaus, Brazil, housed in the Graduate Program in Amazonian Society and Culture. Sam is working on analyzing and writing up research from his projects on local and community-level climate change adaptation in the rural Amazon, as well as work he conducted in South Africa. His most recent fieldwork was conducted last year, where he worked on a project that focused on perceptions of climate change among riverine populations living in flooded forests. Additional components included a study of agrobiodiversity amongst the rural poor and a study on the exchanges of food and information within these isolated contexts. Closer to home, he is also working with Center faculty, including Deserai Crow, on a project that would combine research on public perceptions and media coverage of climate change with data from legislative interviews. The hope is to make this project comparative between Colorado and the US and Brazil, with the expectation of establishing a database for the results.

Jessica Weinkle article

Jessica WeinkleCSTPR alum Jessica Weinkle, now an Assistant Professor in Coastal and Ocean Policy at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, authored a journal article, A Public Policy Evaluation of Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Journal of Insurance Regulation, Vol. 34, No. 2.