Ogmius Newsletter

Center Talks and Events

CSTPR Noontime Seminar Series

The fall 2017 noontime seminar series is coming to a close. All past talks are available via webcast.

August 3, 2017
New Coordinates for Environmental Documentary

by Bienvenido León, School of Communication, University of Navarra (Spain), FIRST Scholar, CU Boulder
Webcast | View Presentation Slides


September 13, 2017
Forests, Finance and Conservation: A Turn in US Climate Policy

by Lauren Gifford, Geography, CU Boulder, *Winner of the 2017 Radford Byerly Award
Webcast | View Presentation Slides


October 18, 2017
Sustained Assessment in the US Southwest

by Benét Duncan, Western Water Assessment
Webcast | View Presentation Slides


October 25, 2017
Climate & Congress The Making of a Citizen

by Grant Couch, Citizen’s Climate Lobby
Webcast | View Presentation Slides


November 1, 2017
The Socio-Spatial Dimensions of Disaster Risk in Mobile Home Parks: Learning from the 2013 Colorado Floods

by Andrew Rumbach and Esther Sullivan, University of Colorado Denver
Webcast | View Presentation Slides


Upcoming Talk

November 29, 2017 at 12:00 PM
1333 Grandview Avenue, Boulder

AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” Workshop Student Competition Panel Discussion
Past competition winners, Adalyn Fyhrie, Carrie Havrilla, and Angela Boag
Moderator: Heather Bené, CU Office of Government Relations
Webcast | More Information


CSTPR Open House

webcastThis year we are celebrating CSTPR’s 15th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences our campus home at CU Boulder. As a part of our ongoing work, we held an ‘Open House’ for alumni and friends of CSTPR on October 27, in partnership with the CU Alumni Association’s 2017 Homecoming Weekend.

If you were not able to join us and you would like an opportunity to financially support CSTPR as we move forward, please visit our donations page. CSTPR is seeking support for a variety of projects that offer students an opportunity to bring together their scholarly interests with practical experience on the ground, such as our Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center internship opportunity and our ongoing Media and Climate Change Observatory. Your support helps us seed new projects at the interface of science, technology and society and provide unique opportunities to future generations of students. These opportunities shape career pathways in fundamental ways.

In late September we celebrated our 15th anniversary by way of a keynote lecture by former US President Barack Obama’s Climate and Energy Advisor Brian Deese. It was a wonderful gathering in the historic Old Main Chapel, and we assembled a slide show celebrating our fifteen years that can be found here.