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Winners Announced for the ITG Comedy & Climate Change Video Competition

Humor is a tool underutilized, and comedy has the power to effectively connect with people about climate change issues.Inside the Greenhouse held a competition to harness the powers of climate comedy through compelling, resonant and meaningful videos.

The videos from the 2019 winners were announced and shown to a live audience at the Stand Up For Climate Change event on April 25. Here are the 2019 winners:

First Place Winner

Al Gore – Man On The Street
by Rollie Williams & An Inconvenient Talk Show

Second Place Winner

How (not) to talk about Climate Change
by Adam Levy, Geoff Marsh & Adam Corner

Third Place Winner

The Climate Rock (Climate Elvis)
by Josh Willis & Lizze Gordon

Honorable Mentions

An Inconvenient Joke
by David Krantz

Giving Climate Denial the FLICC
by John Cook

Patrick Chandler Receives 2019 Radford Byerly, Jr. Award In Science And Technology Policy

Rad Byerly, Jr., passed away in 2016 after an impressive career that included more than twenty years as staff on and ultimately Director of the Science Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also was Director of the Center for Space and Geosciences Policy at CU Boulder. Rad spent the last years of his career with CSTPR, where he was known as a mentor, adviser and friend. in 2017, CSTPR launched the Radford Byerly, Jr. Award in Science and Technology Policy in recognition of his contributions to and impact on the CSTPR community. Thanks to several generous donations CSTPR was able to offer a $1500 award to a graduate student for the past three years. (We are soliciting donations for future awards here).

Following a selection process, Patrick Chandler was chosen to receive the 2019 Byerly award. Patrick is a graduate student in the Environmental Studies Program at CU Boulder. His research is focused on the methodologies and impacts of combining art and science to communicate about environmental issues, and he hopes to publish a guide for communities and organizations on that subject. Patrick also works as an Education Consultant for the Washed Ashore Project and has ten years’ experience developing environmental education, stewardship, and science programs including curricula.

Ryan Vachon and Dan Zietlow Nominated for Emmy Award

Ryan Vachon and Dan Zietlow are CSTPR Research Affiliates and creators of Provare Media. Their episode of Adventures in Science has been nominated for a 2019 Emmy Award. The award winners will be announced in June. Adventures in Science is an emerging science-education show aimed at exciting middle school kids around the wonders of the world, the value of natural resources, and the breadth of human culture.

Adventures in Science – How Caribou Survive Arctic Winters is the exciting pilot to this network series. The film is hosted by youths questioning how our world worksand the storyline transports audiences to the Northern Slope of Alaska. There, scientists show how cutting-edge research examines the nutrition locked in vegetation and how these nutrients provide caribou with just enough to survive the Arctic’s cold and dark winters. Watch the trailer.

CSTPR’s 2nd Annual Volunteer Work Together

Our CSTPR community came together in January to volunteer at the Community Food Share, a local charity in Louisville, Colorado that works with multiple nonprofits to collect food for those in need. CSTPR joined together for an evening of reflection and celebration, along with considerations of a bright 2019 to come! More photos from this event can be seen here.

Peter Newton Selected as Honoree for Denver Business Journal’s Who’s Who in Agriculture

Pete Newton, CSTPR Faculty Affiliate and Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies, has been selected as an honoree among Denver Business Journal’s Who’s Who in Agriculture in 2019!

The Denver Business Journal partnered with the Colorado Farm Bureau to put together a profile of the movers and shakers within the Colorado Agricultural industry. Pete was selected not only for his “dedication to making an impact on the Colorado agricultural industry” but also for his “unfailing willingness to give back to the communities” where he works and lives.

Spring 2019 Noontime Seminar Series

CSTPR hosted a series of talks this Spring. Webcast recordings are available on the website for the following talks:

January 23, 2019 | Webcast | View Presentation Slides
From The Inside Out: The Fight For Environmental Justice Within Government Agencies by Jill Harrison

February 6, 2019 | Webcast | View Presentation Slides
The Geopolitics of the Energy Transition by Morgan Bazilian

March 6, 2019 | Webcast | View Presentation Slides
Solutions for Nature and People: Bridging the Ecological and Social Dimensions of Conservation by Charlotte Chang

Our Fall lineup will be announced by August. Please visit our website for updates to the schedule.