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Briefing #13, 14 July 2008

The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research is working to improve how science and technology policies address societal needs. Please let us know what information you might like to receive by emailing us.

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About the Center

Center Highlights


Rad Byerly has been appointed by Governor Bill Ritter to serve a three year term on the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission, and confirmed by the Colorado Senate. EPA has delegated to Colorado its legal authority under the Clean Air Act, so the AQCC is the rule-making body for the State. Through his vote on the commission Rad will be making decisions on regulations based in part on scientific information, and bringing this experience to the Center.


Paul Komor, CSTPR Faculty Affiliate, shared in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change". The IPCC consists of a large number of scientists and researchers – including Paul, who co-authored a chapter on “Mitigation Options for Human Settlements” in the IPCC’s Second Assessment Report. 

Prometheus is the Center’s weblog. Recent posts:


How much influence should a ‘mega-foundation’ have?
Idealism vs. Political Realities
Do IPCC Temperature Forecasts Have Skill?
The Politicization of Climate Science
How to Make Two Decades of Cooling Consistent with Warming
The Consistent-With Chronicles

Sample of Recent Publications:


Uncertainty and the challenges of globalization:
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2008. Has Technology Assessment Kept Pace with Globalization? Bridges, Vol. 18, July.


Even with climate models' overstated claims, action on climate change is still needed:
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2008. Overheated Claims. Financial Post, June 17.


What are the policies needed to decarbonize the growing global economy?:
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2008. Trading technologies. Nature Reports Climate Change, online pub 29 May 2008.


Understanding Trends in Catastrophe Losses:
Pielke, Jr., R.A., Bouwer, L., Crompton, R., Faust, E., and Höppe, P., 2008. Catastrophe Losses in the Context of Demographics, Climate, and Policy. Managing the Changing Landscape of Catastrophe Risk. 10th Aon Re Australia Biennal Hazards Conference, September 16-18 2007. Queensland Australia.