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Briefing #18, 5 February 2010

The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research is working to improve how science and technology policies address societal needs. Please let us know what information you might like to receive by emailing us.

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Center Highlights

BBC Newsnight

BBC Newsnight Interview


On February 2 Roger Pielke, Jr. appeared on BBC Newsnight with Professor Chris Field, the (new) head of IPCC Working Group II. See also Pielke's blog on the BBC interview.

Geoforum's 40th anniversary special issue


Climate change and journalistic norms paper by Max Boykoff was selected for Geoforum's 40th anniversary special issue. The paper Climate change and journalistic norms: A case-study of US mass-media coverage is also listed as the fifth most downloaded paper in the journal here.

David Cherney, Benjamin Hale and Roger Pielke have recently launched new blogs


David Cherney's Blog: The Counter Offensive: Policy, Science, and the Environment

Benjamin Hale's Blog: Cruel Mistress-Being Human on a Harsh Planet

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Science, Policy, Politics and Occasionally Some Other Stuff

Recent Publications


Reform of the IPCC
Tol, R., R. A. Pielke, Jr., and H. von Storch, 2010. Save the Panel on Climate Change!, Spiegel, January 26.


Elements of a Warning System for Severe Climate Change
Travis, W., 2010. Going to Extremes: Propositions on the Social Responses to Severe Climate Change, Climatic Change, Volume 98, Numbers 1-2, January.


Essays on the Politics of Climate Change
Boykoff, M., 2009. The Politics of Climate Change: A Survey. Routledge/Europa, 320 pp.


How Does Media Reports Influence the Spectrum of possibilities Environmental Governance?
Boykoff., M., 2009. We Speak for the Trees: Media Reporting on the Environment, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol. 34, pp. 431–57.


Endangered Species Act
Cherney, D.N., 2009. Endangered Species Act. In: R. Chapman (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Culture Wars, Volume 1, M.E. Sharp: New York, pp. 159-160.


Examining the Relation Between Technologies that Aim to Remediate Pollution and Moral Responsibility
Hale., B. and W. P. Grundy, 2009. Remediation and Respect: Do Remediation Technologies Alter Our Responsibility?, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 397-415.


Is Justice Good for One's Health?
Hale, B., and L. Hale, 2009. Is justice good for your sleep? (And therefore, good for your health?), Social Theory & Health, Vol. 7, pp. 354–370.


Making Climate Information More Useful for Adaptation Decisions
Hulme, M., Pielke, Jr., R., and S. Dessai, 2009. Keeping prediction in perspective, Nature Reports Climate Change, 29 October.


Air Capture Update
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2009. Air capture update, Nature Geoscience, Vol. 2, December, p. 811.


Engineering the Climate
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2009. Does Geo-engineering Meet Criteria for a Successful Technological Fix?, Seed Magazine, November 17.


The Key Challenges at the Interface of Advice and Decision Making
Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2009. Improving the Contribution of Experts in Policy and Politics,, PSCA International Ltd., November 17.


All articles are available via download from our website or can be requested by email.

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