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CSTPR Briefing
The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
Briefing #29, 25 September 2015

The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research is working to improve how science and technology policies address societal needs. Please let us know what information you might like to receive by emailing us.

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New CSTPR Sabbatical Visitor: Jan Marco Müller

Jan Marco Müller

The Center welcomes Dr. Jan Marco Müller as a sabbatical visitor this fall. Jan Marco Müller served 2012-2014 as Assistant to Professor Anne Glover, the then Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission. In February 2015 he joined the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Brussels as a Policy Officer for International Relations.

Dr. Müller will be giving two talks on science and politics in Europe. Both talks will be available via webcast.

September 29 at 12:00 pm (MST)
Chief Scientific Adviser in the European Commission: Results of an Experiment

Webcast (login as guest)

October 9 at 4:00 pm (MST)
CIRES Distinguished Lecture
The Quest for Evidence: An Insider's View on Science and Politics in Europe

Webcast (login as guest)

CU Aims to be Leader in Research of Sports Issues
CU Athletic Director, Rick George

The University of Colorado Department of Athletics is embarking on an ambitious new initiative between academics and athletics – the proposed creation of a Sports Governance Center (SGC), which would be among the first of its kind in the nation.

If approved, the SGC would be an innovative academic unit within Athletics, with a mission that would focus on teaching, research and service. The goal is to conduct leading research, education and outreach related to the governance of sport, including college athletics and professional sports. A proposal for the center will be submitted in the spring to the Graduate School for approval, said CU Professor Roger Pielke Jr., who is spearheading the effort along with Athletic Director Rick George.

The vision for the center focuses on the implementation of rules and the exercise of power as related to the governing of sports. The subject matter would run the gamut from concussion studies, to doping in sports, to the ongoing FIFA scandal and the role of the NCAA and big time athletes at the modern American university. Read more ...

Deserai Crow Awarded NSF Grant for Flood Project
September 2013 flood The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently awarded Deserai Crow a 3-year grant for a project titled “Community Recovery and Colorado’s Extreme Floods of 2013: Policy Learning in the Context of Resources, Coalitions, and Political Conditions." By following the response to the September 2013 floods in Colorado communities, this study will investigate how communities successfully learn from extreme events to increase resilience and decrease vulnerability to future floods. Read more ...
Katie Dickinson Awarded NSF Grant
Research on Emissions, Air Quality, Climate, and Cooking Technologies
in Northern Ghana Katie Dickinson, along with co-PIs Zachary Brown (NC State), Michael Hannigan (CU-Boulder Engineering), and Abraham Oduro (Navrongo Health Research Centre), have a new project that has been recommended for funding by the NSF. The central aim of this project is to study how economic incentives (“prices”), social learning (“peers”), and subjective beliefs (“perceptions”) interact to influence technology adoption dynamics. We do so through a field experiment in Northern Ghana that offers new stoves at different price levels to groups of households with and without social ties to households that have already received stoves as part of a prior NSF-funded study in this region: The REACCTING Study. Results will inform future efforts to disseminate clean cookstoves and other welfare-enhancing technologies beyond the study area. Read more...
AAAS Workshop Competition
For the second year, the Graduate Certificate Program in Science and Technology Policy at CSTPR organized a competition to select two CU-Boulder students to attend the AAAS “Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering” workshop in Washington, D.C. There they learned about Congress, the federal budget process, and effective science communication, and met with their Members of Congress and congressional staff.

The winners of the 2015 competition submitted the following reports about their experiences:

“Overall, the experience of attending this workshop and the value of the information presented was an extremely beneficial opportunity for me as I look to further my aspirations of using fact-based, scientific information to support and advocate for issues relevant to my work and research.” - Nicholas Valcourt (CU Civil Systems Engineering).

“Participating in the 2015 Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) workshop sponsored by AAAS was a great experience. The workshop greatly improved my understanding of and appreciation for the complex process by which our federal government funds science.” - Thomas Reynolds (CU Chemical and Biological Engineering). Read the full reports.

Sample of Recent Publications

Communication lessons for future climate science reports
O'Neill, S., H. Williams, T. Kurz, B. Wiersma, and M. Boykoff (2015).
Dominant Frames in Legacy and Social Media Coverage of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Nature Climate Change, 5 (4) 380, April.

Science learning and communication in high-school students
Gold, A.U., D.J. Oonk, L. Smith, M.T. Boykoff, B. Osnes, and S.B. Sullivan (2015).
Lens on Climate Change: Making Climate Meaningful Through Student-Produced Videos. Journal of Geography 1-12, doi: 10.1080/00221341.2015.1013974, March 24.

“Skepticism”, “contrarianism”, and “denialism” are evident, from the halls of federal government to everyday us citizens
Boykoff, M. T. (2015).
Consensus and Contrarianism on Climate Change: How the USA Case Informs Dynamics Elsewhere. Mètode, April.

State rulemaking process in Colorado and North Carolina
Crow, D. A., E. A. Albright, and E. Koebele (2015).
Evaluating Informational Inputs in Rulemaking Processes: A Cross-Case Analysis. Administration & Society, doi: 10.1177/0095399715581040, April.

Analyzing responses to Colorado’s extreme flood events of 2013
Albright, E. A. and D. A. Crow (2015).
Learning Processes, Public and Stakeholder Engagement. Urban Climate, doi: 10.1016/j.uclim.2015.06.008, July 14.

A cross-case analysis in Colorado
Koebele, E., D. A. Crow, L. A. Lawhon, A. Kroepsch, R. Schild, and K. Clifford (2015).
Wildfire Outreach and Citizen Entrepreneurs in the Wildland–Urban Interface. Society & Natural Resources, doi: 10.1080/08941920.2015.1054975, July 13.

Improving health for populations relying on open fires for their cooking needs
Dickinson, K.L., et al. (2015).
Research on Emissions, Air quality, Climate, and Cooking Technologies in Northern Ghana (REACCTING): Study Rationale and Protocol. BMC Public Health 15, doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1414-1, February 12.

Improving communication about the complicated nature of the dynamics of vulnerability
Dilling, L., M. Daly, W. Travis, O. Wilhelmi, and R. Klein (2015).
The Dynamics of Vulnerability: Why Adapting to Climate Variability Will Not Always Prepare Us for Climate Change. WIREs Climate Change, doi: 0.1002/wcc.341, April.

Why improved sports governance is needed
Pielke, R.A., Jr. (2015).
Obstacles to Accountability in International Sports Governance. Chapter in Global Corruption Report: Sport, Edited by G. Sweeney, Transparency International.

Recent controversies surrounding the public portrayal of science suggest we are too reliant on its fragile findings
Pielke, R. A. (2015).
Fooling Ourselves with Science: Hoaxes, Retractions and The Public. The Guardian, June 2.

Pope Francis stance on climate change has broader significance for the way we think about the future
Pielke, R. A. (2015).
Is Science Policy A Theological Matter?. The Guardian, June 23.

All articles are available via download from our website or can be requested by email.

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