Science & Technology Policy Publications
- Bridges, The OST's Publication on S&T Policy
Research and science and technology policy manifest themselves in specific programs and the creation of favorable conditions under which they flourish. The basic ideas behind these measures, their ongoing development and the discussions surrounding them serve as topics of the articles and commentaries offered in bridges - The Office of Science and Technology`s Online Magazine on S&T Policy. - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society
The scope of the Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society is that which is of value in STS pedagogy at either the university or K-12 level. Such material can include original articles describing research or reflection on STS topics. The journal emphasizes articles of general interest in the STS field, which can be used in teaching undergraduate or K-12 students. Educational modules are suitable for instruction in STS courses at the college or K-12 level. - Climatic Change
Climatic Change is dedicated to the totality of the problem of climatic variability and change - its descriptions, causes, implications and interactions among these. The purpose of the journal is to provide a means of exchange among those working in different disciplines on problems related to climatic variations. - Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
The journal is interested in theoretical papers and empirical assessment. It also considers case studies provided that they have a broader international relevance. It is committed to a broad range of policy questions, not just those related to government and public policy. It has had many path-breaking papers on nonstate agents, private – public collaboration, and NGOs (nongovernmental organisations). All areas of economic, social and environmental institutions, and policy are included, as reflected in the broad editorial board. - Environmental Research Letters
Environmental Research Letters covers all of environmental science, providing a coherent and integrated approach including research articles, perspectives and editorials. - Environmental Science & Policy
Environmental Science and Policy promotes communication among government, business and industry, academia, and non-governmental organisations who are instrumental in the solution of environmental problems. It also seeks to advance interdisciplinary research of policy relevance on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, environmental pollution and wastes, renewable and non-renewable natural resources, sustainability, and the interactions among these issues. - Ethics, Policy and Environment
Ethics, Policy & Environment offers scholarly articles, reviews, critical exchanges, and short reflections on all aspects of environmental ethics, environmental philosophy, and/or the normative dimensions of environmental policy. The journal aims to publish the best and clearest philosophical work on the environment — human and natural, built and wild — as well as insightful or descriptively accurate analyses exploring ethical questions raised by public policy proposals or developments.
- Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy
Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy is a quarterly policy journal that focuses on energy, the environment, economic development, and science and technology issues. It aims to make the work of policy researchers more accessible to officials in the public and private sectors. - Global Environmental Change
Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions is an international, interdisciplinary journal spanning the social and natural sciences. It publishes high-quality original theoretical and applied research and review articles across the entire field of global environmental change.
- Journal of Law, Technology and Policy
The University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual, joint publication of the College of Law, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. - Journal of Science Policy & Governance
The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) provides a forum for students and young scholars to publish policy relevant work. JSPG's mission is to foster a public forum for the discussion and timely dissemination of the most pressing challenges facing science and technology policy.
- Issues in Science and Technology
Issues in Science & Technology is a forum for discussion of public policy related to science, engineering, and medicine. This includes policy for science (how we nurture the health of the research enterprise) and science for policy (how we use knowledge more effectively to achieve social goals), with emphasis on the latter.
- Knowledge, Technology and Policy
Knowledge, Technology & Policy includes articles resting on the titular tripod. "Knowledge" means how technologies change the ways we think. Knowledge also refers to how we organize, access and use information--indeed, how we transform information into knowledge. "Policy" refers to what we should do about these things (if anything) as individuals, communities and governments.
- Minerva
- Nature
- Policy Sciences
With an interdisciplinary and international focus, Policy Sciences encourages a diversity of perspectives. The editors especially welcome conceptual and empirical innovation, together with the potential richness and insight of comparative orientation. - Research Policy
Research Policy is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the exploration of the policy problems posed by R&D activities, and in particular their interaction with economic, social and political processes. Its papers are written by both academic observers and practitioners of the R&D process. It is deliberately international in scope and reaches an audience of academics, industrialists and government officials.
- Science Magazine
- Science & Diplomacy
Science & Diplomacy provides a forum for rigorous thought, analysis, and insight to serve stakeholders who develop, implement, or teach all aspects of science and diplomacy. The open access quarterly journal features a mix of original perspectives and research articles by science and diplomacy practitioners and thinkers from U.S. and international perspectives in areas of science for diplomacy; science in diplomacy; and diplomacy for science. The journal strives to be a resource for foreign policy makers and analysts, scientists and research administrators, and educators and students.
- Science and Public Policy
Science and Public Policy is a refereed, international journal on public policies for science and technology (S&T), and on the implications of S&T for other public policies. It covers basic, applied, high, low, and any other types of S&T, and rich or poorer countries. It is read in around 70 countries, in universities (teaching and research), government ministries and agencies, consultancies, industry and elsewhere.
- Science, Technology & Human Values
Contains research and commentary on the development and dynamics of science and technology, including their involvement in politics, society and culture.
- Social Studies of Science
This journal is devoted mainly to the results of original research, whether empirical or theoretical, which bring fresh light to bear on the concepts, processes,development, mediations and consequences of modern science and technology, and on the analysis of their social nature. Social Studies of Science covers a diverse range of topics, publishing important papers on new concepts, new methods and new research results. The journal is a vital, responsive and continuing resource for all academics in the field, and for a wide range of readers interested in the analysis of modern society. - Weather, Climate, and Society
Weather, Climate, and Society, a quarterly journal of the American Meteorological Society, publishes scientific research and analysis on the interactions of weather and climate with society. The journal encompasses economic, policy, institutional, social, behavioral, and international research, including mitigation and adaptation to weather and climate change.
Last updated 3/1/2017