Flood Damage in the United States, 1926-2003 A Reanalysis of National Weather Service Estimates
Appendix B: Estimated Flood Damage, by State
Damage estimates are given in current dollars for the year in which the damage occurred. To adjust for inflation, the estimates can be converted to 1995 dollars by dividing by the implicit price deflator in Column 2 (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis 2001). Estimates are for calendar years during 1955-1979, and for fiscal (or water) years during 1983-2000. For example, fiscal/water year 1990 covers from October 1, 1989, through September 30, 1990.
An entry of zero indicates that no damage estimate was reported. It can be assumed that actual flood damage was small, but it is quite possible that some damage occurred.
Data are unavailable for 1980-1982 and for Alaska before 1967.
Table B-1. Flood Damage by State (thousands of current dollars).
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